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Sunday, November 1, 2020

ROOT CAUSE of Problems


Problems come and go, but hey, what's the ROOT CAUSE after all ?

Residing in a bustling metropolis means day-in day-out, we would go through real-life travails like that daily monstrous traffic, those knee-deep floods after the downpours, the long queues if you've got over-the counter bank transactions, and even the long queues going to the cinema when all you wanted was to give yourself a break during your weekend respite.

But hey, what's the root cause of all these ? I hate to say this but over and over again, let me spell it out as P-O-P-U-L-A-T-I-O-N !

When a country's population just explodes beyond proportion, the gauntlet is thrown to challenge us but where's the beef ?

Unless and until the state cracks the whip when the population explodes, all our daily woes with regard traffic, floods and endless queues will continue to become the norm in the coming decades.

Now comes the COVID global pandemic and everyone turns around, pointing fingers to the mind-boggling population in the metropolis. With the COVID pandemic at hand, everyday we heard issues with regard the scarcity of testing kits, hospitals refusing to accept the influx of patients.

When will we be 'over the hump' ? Oh geez, we're in for the long-haul and let's grab the bull by its horns, fervently praying that our state policies will 'arrest' this out-of-controlled population because until then, we will never end with our woes but when and if we achieve that turnaround as a society, we can declare that "when the sun rises, it rises for everyone".

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