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Monday, March 11, 2024

When SAMPLE SIZES Are Not Enough

When SAMPLE SIZES Are Not Enough

Our piece today is NOT on statistics or probabilities [as that's NOT my domain] BUT we'd like to take stock of things when we start counting our SMALL WINS versus When SAMPLE SIZES Are Not Enough.  WHY does the SAMPLE SIZE matter?  Yes dude, much as we want to avoid statistical jargon, truth is a SAMPLING SIZE makes OR unmakes our off-the-cuff analysis OR post-mortem.  In brief, the principles of statistics prevails even in daily lifeπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

WHAT IF after I graduated from university, I landed a plum job and I scream that I have a SUCCESSFUL life?  WHAT IF after I settled down and started raising my family, I'll scream that I got a SUCCESSFUL family life?  WHAT IF after I finally opened my personal bank account for the first time and I claim that I am financially stable already❓❓❓

Sun Tzu, the well respected Chinese military general and strategist way back the Eastern Zhou period [from 771 to 256 BC] said:  'VICTORIOUS WARRIORS WIN FIRST AND THEN GO TO WAR, WHILE DEFEATED WARRIORS GO TO WAR FIRST AND THEN SEEK TO WIN'.  BUT the harsh truth is, most people celebrate too early [I committed that Faux Pas in the past]πŸ’΅πŸ’·πŸ’Ά
Let's NOT look farther back.  That Covid-19 pandemic hit us badly for almost three years and when the blinding dusts from the 'sandstorms' stabilized, many of us [TILL TODAY] were [and still are] celebrating because finally the Covid-19 pandemic is behind us.  NOT SO FAST.  Go around countries, starting with China, the Covid-19 infections are coming back❌❌❌
At work, it's true you would have achieved legitimate SUCCESSES but hell, have you etched your name in your organization's portals on the basis of one or two small and minor WINS?  Our takeaway here is that, sustain that winning streak and you're on the way to achieving the coveted laurels of a perennial performer who worked like a 'DAWG' year-round.  Our human failing here is that some of us are NOT aware that SMALL SAMPLE SIZES are NOT enough and sufficient for you to beat your chest.  Got to grind more, dude❎❎❎

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