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Friday, March 15, 2024

Keep It Simple, Sirrrrs [KISS]

Keep It Simple, Sirrrrs [KISS]

Frankly, this was NOT my intended heading for our blog today because I wanted to borrow that infamous one-liner of Former U.S. President Bill Clinton when, in the midst of economic policy discussions at the White House, he blurted,Keep It Simple, shit [KISS] but lest I get flagged down by our hosting portal, I didn't want to take a risk.  BUT our thread today revolves around making things AS SIMPLE AS POSSIBLEπŸ’΄πŸ’·πŸ’΅

BUT many argue that SIMPLE ISN'T SIMPLEBUT hey, way back 500 B.C., Chinese Philosopher Confucius was quoted that 'LIFE IS REALLY SIMPLE BUT WE INSIST ON MAKING IT COMPLICATED'.  With the influx of massive amounts of information, and the unabated explosion of technology [NOT to mention SOCIAL MEDIA], SIMPLICITY has become difficult to remain as suchπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

Let's NOT look farther.  Let us consider all of the elements we're bombarded with each day.  A slew of calendar INVITES, metrics-based reporting, measures tracking, admin approvals, online forms for compliance, security compliance and so on.  So, many times, it is us WHO do create that COMPLEXITY arising from SIMPLICITY.  How did we create itπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Sadly, we correct things by OVERCORRECTING  with absurd workarounds.  We also take SIMPLE intent and often over-engineer solutions to make people feel better about being included in a process.  Much of this is SIMPLY not that necessary.  The problem is from within us.  And the downsides to this approach?  Fatigue.  Lack of results.  Frustration.  Destroyed passion.  Added costs of execution.  Extended decision-making processes, and so on❌❌❌

Years back when I was heading the Pre-Sales Solutions Team, I presented before the managing director and the CFONOT to overblow things, after my presentation, they verbalized that they will signoff BUT and here's the catch.  I had to rerun the same presentation to their Shared Services Center management team and rerun again to their Audit and Security Team.  Whew!  Of course, eventually I WON the deal but at what expense?  By having the client tripling their decision-making process.  Dude, let's NOT forget to always KEEP IT SIMPLE Sirrrrrs [KISS]✅✅✅

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