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Sunday, March 17, 2024

Do You START Strong? OR Do You FINISH Strong?

Do You START Strong?  OR Do You FINISH Strong?

I've got a giveaway question for this weekend.  Do You START STRONG?  OR Do You FINISH STRONG?  Surely, we'll receive mixed answers to this quite polarizing topic and if I look at the landscape, I would hear more clamoring to FINISH STRONG and not far away from the wilderness, I could hear a motley group pushing to START STRONG.  So, where do we stand hereπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

In competitive sports and athletics, they never cease to scream FINISH STRONG.  And that's NOT debatable at all.  BUT I am very much convinced that that tells us only HALF of the story.  Let's look at the annual BOSTON MARATHON which gathers no less than 30,000 marathoners.  If at the START, you are already at the tail-end, how can you expect yourself to FINISH STRONG?  That means you will run twice as fast as the next 29,000😌😌😌

Well, in life, if you want to SUCCEED, you must COMMIT to three things.  First you must START STRONG.  Second, you got to be CONSISTENTLY STRONG.  And lastly, you got to FINISH STRONG.  Too bad there is no middle-of-the road case here.  You need to be willing to do the things necessary to SUCCEED your pre-set goals no less✔✔✔

I DON'T need to look at anyone except my life.  I humbly admit that I started off STRONG.  I left my supposed laidback life in the province at the raw age of seventeen.  To cut the long story short, I was focused with the lofty goals I set for myself to achieve and along the way, I was garnering SMALL WINS while I was on-track for that FINISH LINE✅✅✅

BTW, I need to qualify my definition of that FINISH LINE.  It doesn't mean I'm referring to the retirement time, nope, not at all.  I equate my FINISH LINE to my pre-set timelines to achieve my pre-set GOALS, name it, being successful in your career, running a stable life after planting the solid foundations of your family.  And obviously BUT most importantly, STAYING HEALTHY.  So, yes, I START STRONG and I FINISH STRONG❗❗❗

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