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Sunday, March 3, 2024

Living Life With AUDACITY

Living Life With AUDACITY

As we stir by our everyday hustle and bustle of life, the mundane nuances of our days rub into our faces.  We all transcend into the struggles, putting on brave faces, and marching with frantic heartbeats in the uncertainty of tomorrow.  Bestowed with the most powerful weapon of creation, our minds uncover the depths of seamless ideas that revolutionize.  So, are we  Living Life With AUDACITY💴💷💵

As the world today CONNECTS as one global family with millions of UNKNOWN identities, as we CONNECT more, HOW often do we connect with ourselves?  Our ideas of CONNECTION are perceived as being accepted and validated in the social realms.  Our existence is dependent on the identify of society ushers us with.  So, WHAT exactly is identity?  Is it the intangible association that society labels us with?  The notion that deems fit to them📗📙📘

As we humans are multi-layered species WHO are condoned by the world to fit into a box, to be like a balm that soothes the ego of others.  We are so conditioned by the IDEA of pleasing others, it becomes difficult to identify WHAT makes us happy.  The most unfiltered version of ourselves is the authentic selves that live without any concealing and are fearless in the pursuit of WHAT sets us free.  So, how often are you hurt by someone's words yet DO NOT react to them to NOT anger them

Indeed, it is a human tendency to overlook everything OR invalidate our own experiences to derive validation from others. And as we grow older [and wiser], we realize the simple fact that indeed, the world is filled with stories of broken dreams, waiting to be read one story at a time.  We understand that at the end of the day, all we want is to fall into our bed with tranquility and wake up with EXCITEMENT❗❗❗

No matter what we are, let's face it, all of us are broken pieces of the same thread that binds us together.  And in our darkest nights, where we have battles to fight, sometimes on the brink of adversity and despair, we want to be tended with LOVE and CARE.  We all want to be LOVED, a LOVE that gives us a chance to unleash our authenticity, for our souls to dance, and to be embraced with honesty.  So, LIVING LIFE WITH AUDACITY is too tempting to ignore✅✅✅

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