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Thursday, March 21, 2024

Living Life Without A PURPOSE

Living Life Without A PURPOSE

What's our daily life like?  We eat the food that tastes good to find a short escape while regretting it minutes later.  We stay friends with people we DON'T like yet we continue to sit and laugh with them because we want to FIT IN and DON'T want to be LEFT OUT like a weirdo.  We come back home tired.  Instead of making a little effort to relax, we bombard ourselves with social media and Netflix until we are mentally tired.  Is this Living Life Without A PURPOSE💵💴💷

At end of day, we go to sleep [sometimes regret, complain, and cry over the life we are living] just to repeat the process everyday.  Such a shallow, unsuccessful, unhappy and boring life, right?  BUT what's the irony of all these?  We do all these because we think this is the road to SUCCESS.  Guess what?  It's NOT.  This kind of life is just a silent struggle to survive and do WHAT you can to convince yourself that you are about to SUCCEED📗📙📘

Now, you would agree with me that every motivational speaker preaches the importance of having a PURPOSE in life.  They all tell you that a life without a PURPOSE is NOT the right way to go.  None of them are wrong.  In fact, what they say is 100% TRUEBUT it's NOT the easiest when you're struggling to find the motivation that you need to find a PURPOSE📌📌📌

Honestly, it takes a lot to take a step out of your life without PURPOSE to change the way you live and think.  What bigger motivation can there be than to tell you all the reasons WHY a life without PURPOSE is hurting you?  So WHAT gives?  Can we agree that a life without PURPOSE HAS NO MEANING?  Have you ever dreaded living a LIFELESS life?  If NOT, I don't know how excruciating such an existence is❌❌❌

Imagine that dilemma of NOT wanting to wake up every morning BUT also NOT wanting to go to sleep at night.  NO will to work, NO excitement to spend, NO friends' company to enjoy, and NO reason to continue living.  A blank mind with NOTHING to think about.  So WHAT's our FIX?  Have a CLEAR IDEA of WHY YOU'RE LIVING.  Get a CONCRETE IDEA of the bigger outcome you can look forward to.  Even the strolls will be become enjoyable because you know they're leading you to WHERE you're supposed to be.  Dude, dump that contagious illness that continues to hound you because you got to dump LIVING LIFE WITHOUT PURPOSE❗❗❗

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