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Sunday, March 24, 2024

What Can We Learn From FAILURE

What Can We Learn From FAILURE

WHAT word in the dictionary has been most associated with NEGATIVITY?  Yesirrrrrrs it is FAILURE.  Whenever we hear it, our mind, which has been conditioned is already sending some signals to our body that something NEGATIVE is coming up.  Through different networks, communications, advertisements or media, our minds get used to associating failure with a NEGATIVE experience.  BUT FAILURE ISN'T bad.  So, What Can We Learn From FAILURE❓❓❓

BUT the wisdom of learning from FAILURE is incontrovertible.  Yet, organizations that do it well are extraordinarily rare.  This gap is NOT due to a lack of commitment to learning.  And in the corporate environment, when a FAILURE hits their operations, tons and tons of man-efforts are spent as part of the post-mortem, never giving up in digging for the very RCA [root cause analysis].  BUT hey, many managers may be thinking of FAILURE the wrong wayπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

To be frank, FAILURE is actually a necessary recipe in our life.  FAILURE gives us the answer we really need.  It gives us WHAT is wrong and WHAT is right.  Again, to forewarn everyone, FAILURE hurts and at times it can be that ruthless.  BUT it is pure.  It DOESN'T judge based on your physical looks.  Like nature, it is pureπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

NOT to piggy-back on this posterized quote from NBA great, MICHAEL JORDAN but looking back, I credit all my past failures for the successes I achieved.  I could NOT have done it any other way.  WITHOUT the past FAILURES I had to suffer the brunt, I would have NOT been able to help and touch lives.  WITHOUT FAILURES, I wouldn't be able to have the courage to pursue my goals and dreams.  I remember how ambitious my goals were✅✅✅

So, how do we manage FAILURES? Primero, ACCEPT whatever feelings and emotions you are now struggling with.  Remember that FAILURE does NOT mean that your life is going to be OVER.  And if you FAIL to learn from your FAILURES, that's a huge letdown as you'll be the sore loser for missing those LEARNED LESSONS❗❗❗

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