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Monday, March 25, 2024

When Do You Sharpen Your EDGES

When Do You Sharpen Your EDGES

When Do You Sharpen Your EDGES? All along, we are told that our EDGES in life will naturally sharpen as they get honed.  YES and NO indeed.    By the natural evolution of things, indeed we do get our EDGES sharpened but it could cut both ways.  I've known people with sharp EDGES but whose bluntness eventually losing its luster NOT by accident BUT because the incumbent DIDN'T leverage the EDGES of his sharpness๐Ÿ’ต๐Ÿ’ด๐Ÿ’ท

When we grow up, we began to discover our abilities, these things that we're capable of doing.  For example, we start to sharpening our skills to communicate, to draw, to write, and just a lot more of our interests.  In my own humble opinion, I believe the same thing happens in the professional area when we start to study at a university begin to acquire some skills, as time advances, we can improve them๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜
Having said this, there is a notable difference between the skills that we improve because they are essential for daily life and those that we improve because we want to.  It is really important to recognize certain things, one of them is that as worker equipped with specific skills, there is enough room for us to improve on it and it's true it could be a little confusing to find on which to focus to continue working on them, for this, we must know ourselves and look for the aspects that we should improve๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

Word of caution.  If you are contemplating to be GOOD AT EVERYTHING, be cautioned as you might end up GOOD AT NOTHING.  That is NOT to cast aspersion on one's good faith and sincere intentions BUT I've personally known on first-hand basis more than a dozen people who had the BEST INTENTIONS but WHERE are they today?  Sad to say, they're somewhere rock bottom.  Really sad because I knew they had the BEST INTENTIONS❗❗❗

Any GUESS as to why even those with the BEST INTENTIONS ended up fumbling?  Simple.  They knew they had the EDGE, that capability but over time, through wear and tear, that EDGE does wear out, its bluntness losing out gradually.  Our takeaway today:  Your EDGE could be as sharp as ever today BUT you got to CONSISTENTLY sharpen it✅✅✅

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