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Wednesday, March 6, 2024

How I Wish Every Day Is A 'SUPER TUESDAY'

How I Wish Every Day Is A 'SUPER TUESDAY'

How I Wish Every Day Is A 'SUPER TUESDAY'.  Yes, this is wishful thinking because that is next to impossible to ever happen because even in the United States, SUPER TUESDAY happens only once every four years, that few and that far in between.  BTW, just to be crystal clear, me NOT being a U.S. citizen, today's piece should NOT be taken as a sheer intervention in the domestic affairs of U.S. politics.  I thought of SUPER TUESDAY as our piece today because I've always been enamored by itπŸ“˜πŸ“—πŸ“™

So, for the benefit of our readership not so familiar with U.S. politics, here's a bit of a Primer 101SUPER TUESDAY can make OR break a presidential candidate's bid to win their party's nomination, and that applies to both the Democratic and Republican parties.  With more than a dozen states voting on SUPER TUESDAY, it is the most consequential date in the U.S. presidential campaign calendar [apart from election day itself].  BUT we won't get into the nitty-gritty of the mechanics for SUPER TUESDAY but instead, we'd like to relate to it vis-a-vis our day-to-day life calendarπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

From our day-to-day life perspective, I have this mixed feelings of envy and fear with SUPER TUESDAY [depending on your mindset because you could either be excited or fearful short of manifesting that phobia].  And yet, I continue to nurse that wishful thinking that everyday be akin to SUPER TUESDAY.  WHY?  Because if ever SUPER TUESDAY comes into fruition in our daily life, that levels up the playing field, giving us that fair chance to succeed OR fail, to hit OR miss, to achieve OR flop, to end up either as a winner OR as a loser.  BUT hey, no one amongst us ever wants to be either a flop OR a failure.  WHY?  Because everyone wants to be a WINNERπŸ’§πŸ’§πŸ’§

Let's face it.  If every day in our calendar is indeed a SUPER TUESDAY, that gives us that constant opportunity to be a WINNER [if we DON'T flop].  BUT unfortunately, this WON'T happen because our calendars are all cast in stone.  In fact, while in the U.S., SUPER TUESDAY does happen every four years, in our real life, SUPER TUESDAY happens and knocks ONLY ONCE in our daily life as a one-off opportunity.  As that old cliche goes, opportunity knocks only once, dude❗❗❗

Our takeaway?  Let's mark every day in our calendars as SUPER TUESDAY.  WHY?  TO remind us that opportunities do knock at our very own door.  TO encourage us to squeeze every ounce of our will power to successfully take on every opportunity that pop-up.  TO help us realize that the 365 days in a year does NOT mean that opportunity will repeatedly come back to us day-in day-out.  HOW I WISH EVERY DAY IS A SUPER TUESDAYπŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯

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