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Monday, March 18, 2024

WHAT IF You're Not Progressing?

WHAT IF You're Not Progressing?

WHAT IF You're Not Progressing? Oh, this is a question NOT so often asked due to its sensitivity.  When I was in the middle of my high school years, I often felt that I was still the same year on year.  I just then kept doing the same thing over and over again but I felt that despite my GOOD FAITH, I seem to be just GOING THROUGH WITH THE MOTIONSπŸ’΄πŸ’·πŸ’΅
As a post-mortem, I noticed then that sometimes I only achieve one goal and then kept procrastinating and making bad habits.  Then, when I stepped into university, I knew it that that was the start of the homestretch of my formal studies, at least.  And I thought I should WALK THE TALK.  At the start of the academic term, I'll write in my journal notes my TARGET FINAL GRADE for each subject.  At the end of the term, I'll compare my TARGET versus ACTUALS, assessing my performanceπŸ“˜πŸ“™πŸ“—
My dilemma is sometimes, I DON'T feel it and I think "I JUST DO THE SAME THING EVERYDAY".  Was I right to think that way?  Today, me thinks I was WRONG then.  I then realized that even if in a worst case scenario I was doing NOTHING, it DOESN'T mean I was NOT making PROGRESS because whatever are the circumstances, we are doing something, CONSCIOUSLY or UNCONSCIOUSLYπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž
At hindsight, indeed, I was actually making PROGRESS but likely, it's different depending on HOW I judge it.  In fact, in life, we always make PROGRESS.  Even during those times you felt you were kind of stagnant, even IF you feel like you DIDN'T make any PROGRESS, you are actually compounding yourself to start moving.  If you keep doing the BAD HABITS where you feel much worse over and over again, you are actually making PROGRESS.  Eventually, you will realize THAT what you do is stupid and you start moving on❌❌❌
Sadly, there are people WHO never realize that they're PROGRESSING, even until they die.  NOW that we're aligned on that aspect, the tricky question is why does PROGRESS differ?  Some make BIG PROGRESS while others make SMALL PROGRESS.  Is SMALL PROGRESS that BADNO sirrrs not at all.  Even SMALL PROGRESS can help in the building blocks for your FOUNDATIONBUT don't make that SMALL PROGRESS as your comfort zone because SELF-LIMITATION is NOT conducive for your IMPROVEMENT.  That's akin to the GROWTH MINDSET.  Start visioning BIGGER than you could till you'll realize you made big strides in PROGRESSING❗❗❗

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