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Friday, March 1, 2024

How Are JOYFUL People?

How Are JOYFUL People?

Everlasting JOY is our innate quality and it's NOT an external accomplishment.  So How Are JOYFUL People managing things? We're always chasing something, be it a promotion, a new car, OR a significant other.  This often leads us to the belief that "WHEN ____ HAPPENS, I'LL FINALLY BE HAPPY".  And it's true.  While those major events do make us HAPPY at first, research shows this HAPPINESS doesn't lastπŸ’΄πŸ’·πŸ’΅

A study covering major winners of large lottery prizes to measure their level of HAPPINESS versus a group of regular people.  Lo and behold, the researchers were surprised to discover that the HAPPINESS RATINGS of both groups were practically identical.  The mistaken notion that major life events dictate your HAPPINESS and SADNESS is so prevalent that psychologists have tagged a name for it:  "IMPACT BIAS".  The reality is, event-based HAPPINESS is fleeting.  In fact, HAPPINESS is synthetic.  You either create it OR you simply DON'TπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

So, let's take a leaf from the pages of HAPPY people who shared how they do manage such HAPPINESS.  Primero, they are one in unison to declare that they SLOW DOWN to appreciate life's little pleasures.  By nature, we fall into routines and in some ways, this is a good thing.  It saves precious brainpower and creates comfortπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

BUT sometimes, we get so caught up in our routines to the extent that we fail to appreciate the little things in life.  HAPPY people knew how important it is to savor the taste of their meal, revel in the amazing conversation they had, OR even just step outside to take a deep breathe of fresh air.  Secondly, they surround themselves with the RIGHT PEOPLEπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

HAPPINESS spreads through people.  Surrounding yourself with HAPPY people builds confidence, stimulates creativity, and it's flat-out FUN.  Hanging around NEGATIVE people has the opposite effect.  They want people to join their PITY PARTY so that they can feel better about themselves.  If a person was smoking, would you sit there inhaling the second-hand smoke?  You should distance yourself, right?  And gravitate towards JOYFUL PEOPLE✅✅✅

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