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Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Can We Be A BAMBOO In Life

Can We Be A BAMBOO In Life 

That bamboo out there is NOT one that captures interests or attention.  UNLESS we  are asked if Can We Be A BAMBOO In Life at all?  Are you a bamboo?  Maybe.  Maybe NOT but there are over 1,000 species of bamboo.  However, the story of the Moso bamboo is the closest to our own and has the most to teach us.  Most plants will begin to germinate in 1-2 weeks.  BUT bamboo doesn't even shoot after four years.  So, you're that bamboo, I guessπŸ’΅πŸ’΄πŸ’·

As the bamboo builds its foundations for the first four years, it still appears that it all came at once, it DIDN'T.  The seed was always growing , just beneath the surface.  BUT we didn't see that.  Our eyes lied to us.  Somehow we're blind to the reality of things.  We fixate on the wrong things because expect to see the fruition of what we do within a given timeframe.  If there is something we can pick from this, it's that we DON'T reap in the same season we sow.  The price we pay for this we allow doubt and disbelief to creep inπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜
Then, we become fearful and begin to lose faith and give up.  If we DON'T see the shoots after long enough, that's enough for us to believe that the seed is dead OR deduce something went wrong and give up.  Ultimately, the bigger the building, the deeper the foundations.  The taller the tree, the deeper the roots.  We've all seen a construction site that suddenly becomes a full-fledged skyscraper✅✅✅
The thing is, you CAN'T trust what you see OR don't see.  Studies show that 90% of the time, there's more to see OR you CAN'T see what you need to.  You only REAP AFTER YOU SOW.  So you might ask, is it worth it?  The best-efforts answer is, IT DEPENDSWHAT are you trying to grow?  Your expectations have to be relative and proportional to your desired outcome❗❗❗
What's our takeaway here?  It's that the development time is proportionate to the size of the output.  If you want to grow a patch of grass, then fine.  You DON'T need to do much.  DON'T expect it to take too long.  BUT you CAN'T have the same expectations if you want to grow an oak tree, right?  If you want to build a tent, maybe in 10 to 15 minutes, you're done BUT that won't withstand a storm.  Rain and cold, that is NOT a long-term solution.  A long-term solution is a brick house but it will take 100 times the effort and time to finish it.  CAN WE BE A BAMBOO IN LIFE✅✅✅

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