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Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Slowing Down In Life

Slowing Down In Life

Slowing Down In Life isn't just becoming popular these days but it has become a trend, in fact.  BUT if at all, the basic message resonating around is more about consuming LESS and taking a slower approach in our everyday life.  And that SLOWDOWN is becoming an unabated trend.  We see fast food outlets now offering vegan menus and both AppsStore and PlayStore are offering apps about meditation and about reducing our screen time💷💵

In fact, to dissect this trend, SLOWING DOWN in life is becoming a lifestyle that encourages a lower approach to everyday life.  From my personal experience in SLOWING DOWN so far, I've found that it had helped me connect with myself deeply and even increasing my self-awareness.  Obviously, it seeps and spreads into other areas of my life impacting them significantly and today, let's take some time to look at all the areas it can touch and impact generally.  It can and does look different for everyone📘📙📗

So, let's rattle off the most obvious UPSIDES when we SLOW DOWN in life.  That elusive LUXURY OF TIME.  This goes without saying, the moment you slow down, you begin to see the amount of time you have at hand in your day and life in general.  It also allows you to make more intentional use of your time while leaving enough for life's UNPLANNED moments and spontaneity💎💎💎

Your IMPROVED HEALTH. We've all at some point come across the downsides of hustle culture.  Slowing down gives us both the TIME & SPACE to focus and work on our health, take a breath from the constant rush in our daily life and even practice SELF-CARE.  It also gives us a window to really embrace the SLOW LIFE as it impacts our health❎❎❎

BOOSTED PRODUCTIVITY.  This is one of the first noticeable signs when we indeed SLOW DOWN.  It keeps away stress, anxiety and overwhelm.  And when we're focused on the task at hand, it becomes easier to complete the said task efficiently as opposed to being bogged down by doing everything at once.  Lastly, fostering meaningful relationships is a beneficiary where no costs and little effort is needed from our end.  Talking about SLOWING DOWN IN LIFE❗❗❗

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