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Friday, March 8, 2024

Just Go On, No One Cares WHAT YOU DO

Just Go On, No One Cares WHAT YOU DO

Early in my career, the FEAR of FAILURE drove most of my decisions.  HOW would I look?  WHAT would people think?  In short, I lived in a constant state of anxiety, being 'hostaged' by the supposed judgments of others.  WOULD I ever get a second chance if I failed?  And IF I did fail, HOW could I pass the blame to someone else?  If NOT, could I blame circumstance?  CAN'T we Just Go On, No One Cares WHAT YOU DO๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽˆ

This thinking led me to make consistently poor decisions about HOW I lived, WHAT got my focus, and WHERE my emotional energy was expended.  My rule then [which I thought was the right one] was:  As long as it 'looked good', then DO IT, because at that time, I [wrongly] thought that I was perceived really mattered most.  I would be in the middle of the 'rat race' from one meeting to another, from one client from Singapore's East Coast to West Coast๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

After all these frenetic schedules, I DIDN'T realize that I was as busy as hell and in the end, I accomplished NOTHING.  In fact, it seemed worse than NOTHING.  If I failed to secure a client signoff, all my efforts seemingly went down the drain.  If our RFP was not favorably considered by our client, that means, I failed in that pursuit for that client๐Ÿ’ด๐Ÿ’ท๐Ÿ’ต

After my umpteenth failure, an incredible realization washed over me and that NO ONE CARED.  NO one remembered my mistakes either.  Here and there, people would have faint memories BUT they quickly faded.  WHO would like to etch on stone one news in the past that my prospective client didn't act favorably on my RFP?  But realizing that people's memories easily faded, I felt I regained being FREEFREE to try hard.  FREE to fail.  FREE to learn from my mistakes.  Suddenly, I felt I could be reincarnated with each new endeavor๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

Soon after, my logic drove me into a ditch.  If NO one cared, did I matter?  I had always lived for others.  to make others like me, to impress them, to be heralded.  I couldn't figure out WHY I was NEVER satisfied regardless of the awards, congrats or our corporate banking won deals.  It made me realize that TRUE SUCCESS must be defined.  That I'll JUST GO ON, NO ONE CARES WHAT I DO✅✅✅

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