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Saturday, March 9, 2024

Are You Sure That PROBLEM Is The PROBLEM?

Are You Sure That PROBLEM Is The PROBLEM?

There's this interesting quote from Albert Einstein:  IF I WERE GIVEN ONE HOUR TO SAVE THIS PLANET, I WOULD SPEND 59 MINUTES DEFINING THE PROBLEM AND ONE MINUTE RESOLVING IT.  Well said.  We all have PROBLEMS and those PROBLEMS make us feel bad.  So, to make the BAD feelings go away, we have to channel all our efforts into solving our PROBLEMS.  Are You Sure That PROBLEM Is The PROBLEM???

Now, let's refocus with REALITY, with WHAT'S happening on the ground.  If focusing on your PROBLEMS and trying to tackle them head-on with all the effort you can muster works, WHY do you still have so many PROBLEMS?  If the common way of solving PROBLEMS is so effective, WHY are our lives a string of PROBLEMS, one seamlessly flowing into the next one like abacus beads❓❓❓

Part of the issue is that we consciously OR subconsciously believe that life is a combination of EFFORT + STRUGGLES, that nothing comes without HARD WORK, and that putting your nose to the grindstone is the ONLY WAY things can change.  And I think that is a very sad and depressing approach to LIFE and I'm going to make a case for another approach.  So, WHY is it the COMMON PROBLEM-SOLVING APPROACH doesn't work?  Now, imagine you have money problems now.  Perhaps you DON'T even need to imagine it because you actually have them right now, right❔❔❔

Most of us have OR had that issue.  So we all know HOW shitty this feels.  Anxiety, worry, and stress are all UNPLEASANT side effects of having a money PROBLEMNOW, to solve this issue, naturally, we do the ONLY thing that we've been taught to do WHEN it comes to solving PROBLEMS.  Focusing our attention on it and trying to figure a solution out😇😇😇

BUT there are two issues with this problem-solving approach namely:

  • ANXIETY, WORRY, and STRESS get intensified
  • RARELY do we find a satisfying solution
These two outcomes make sense IF we look at WHAT the focus-on-the-problem approach actually does.  Because a lack of money is emotionally associated with anxiety, worry and stress, the more we FOCUS on it, the BIGGER these emotions become our very own experience.  These negative emotions are the felt sense of our PROBLEM state.  We DON'T like this state.  So, now we want to move from the PROBLEM state to the SOLUTION state.  BUT because our whole system is in the PROBLEM STATE, we CAN'T get to the solution.   So, ARE YOU SURE THAT PROBLEM IS THE PROBLEM???

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