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Saturday, March 2, 2024

What Else Do We Need To Be Satisfied In Life?

What Else Do We Need To Be Satisfied In Life?

What Else Do We Need To Be Satisfied In Life?  We are all neck-deep in the clutches of consumerism such that MONEY has become the currency of VALUE. MONEY can get you anything.  And that is WHY everyone runs after MONEYBUT can we agree that beyond and besides that stack of CASH, there are many other things in life that can bring us SATISFACTION?  Topping our list is EMOTIONAL INDEPENDENCE.  Let's look at our everyday life where we generate gazillion of thoughts BUT not all of them are doing good to us and our body, right?  But WHAT IF we say that it is possible to train our minds NOT to think bad thoughts?  WHAT IF we said that it is possible to NOT react in anger WHEN someone hits your car by mistake.  WHEN someone calls you cuss words.  WHEN someone shouts at you.  That is EMOTIONAL INDEPENDENCE no lessπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

Thing is, our reactions DON'T depend on situations and people.  It only depends on you, on us.  And if we had to choose between emotionally independent and getting a million dollars, I'll admit I'll choose the former.  NOT because I DON'T want MONEYBUT because if I have emotional independence, I can earn and make ten times that amount❗❗❗

Segundo, GOOD HEALTH.  I'm sorry I DON'T buy the one-liner that HEALTH IS WEALTH.  It is NOT.  Because it is MORE THAN JUST WEALTH.  And nobody knows this better than us because I am quite sure, many of us have had their fair share of woes and challenges with regard failing HEALTH happening within the family.  Frankly, this is like buying QUALITY FOOD and investing in our HEALTH no lessπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Tercero, let's have that PASSION.  When I was studying hard back then, sometimes I pitied myself thinking I would NOT have to put in those efforts had my family been WEALTHY!@#$%?  BUT as I reflect now, I feel lucky NOT to have generational wealth.  Because it taught me the importance of working hard.  It taught me to be passionate enough about my goals so I can achieve anything I wantπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Today, I CAN'T fathom living a life without the PASSION that I have.  And as I type these words, I am thankful for having found my latest PASSION - writing.  NONE of which MONEY can buy.  Cuarto, that FREEDOM FROM WANTING.  Essentially, things for which I have to depend on the outside world, I DON'T want to want things from others.  What Else Do We Need To Be Satisfied In Life❓❓❓

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