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Monday, March 4, 2024

How NOT to Fail BUT Succeed

How NOT to Fail BUT Succeed

How NOT to Fail BUT Succeed will always be a polarizing topic to thread.  NOT because it's irrelevant.  NOT because it's a no-brainer.  BUT as I write this blog, I can be asked 'ARE YOU SUCCESSFUL'?  Problem is, SUCCESS is relative.  For one person, just to end up with an office job even as a clerk is SUCCESS by itself while for others, SUCCESS means he becomes a manager💴💵💷

So let's NOT get bogged down with the semantics of SUCCESS.  Instead, let's focus on FAILURE because that's a more 'one size fits all' recipe.  And topping the list of FAILURE culprits is when we DON'T understand the VALUE of TIME.  Truth is, UNSUCCESSFUL people DON'T VALUE their TIME, period.  They are everywhere, anywhere, anytime because they lack the ability to dedicate their time towards their goals.  And sadly, their FAILURES are compounding😡😡😡

Unfortunately, year after year, we can hear many of us make NEW promises WHICH never come into fruition simply because they couldn't be bothered to put in the time required towards achieving their GOALS.  Time management skills, learning HOW to say NO and knowing WHAT commitments to undertake, is a step towards great SUCCESS in any area of our lives📗📙📘

If you DON'T want to waste your time, then learn NOT to procrastinate.  Take actions WHAT you want in life.  Second common culprit is WHEN the things we do are NOT aligned with our GOALS.  The more important a GOAL is, the higher it will be on your hierarchy of VALUES and the less discipline and more disorder you'll have associated with it❎❎❎

There's one other COMMON MISS we commit.  Some of us [wrongly] think that SUCCESS in one area is good enough to compensate for FAILURE in other areas.  Let's look at a rare but realistic scenario WHERE your boss sucks and you really hate your job BUT that is NO reason to slack and produce mediocre work.  You're getting paid to be there so DO IT RIGHT, life has this universal law of giving you WHAT you put in.  It all boils down to maturity and wisdom to pursue excellence no matter the circumstances.  UNSUCCESSFUL people are the ones WHO are okay with getting bad grades and WON'T bother finding an effective method that will help in their learning ability, because after all, being a student is less about how smart you are BUT more about how well you can plan and prepare.  This is all about HOW NOT TO FAIL BUT SUCCEED✅✅✅

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