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Friday, March 29, 2024

Multitasking Is A MYTH, Period

Multitasking Is A MYTH, Period

Good day folks.  For our thread today, please allow me to kickstart off with this declarative statement that regardless, Multitasking Is A MYTH, Period, and this is NOT even a conditional statement.  What's frustrating is that MULTI-TASKING continues to be peddled and advocated by many of us when in truth, we can debunk MULTI-TASKING anytime we want💴💷💵

Way prior to even that Covid-19 pandemic did hit us hard, across all industries, we all hear MULTI-TASKING.  Let's be cautious, though, that there are cases when the GREEN LIGHT for MULTI-TASKING illuminates from the top of the organization, by and large, let us NOT drag management and our bosses into that MULTI-TASKING conundrum📗📙📘
In these frenetic times, the hustle, hurry and bustle have become a regular way of life for many of us, so much so that we have embraced a word to describe our never-ending efforts to respond to the many pressing demands of our time, spelled as M-U-L-T-I-T-A-S-K-I-N-G.  Let's blame the computing industry for this one and you can QUOTE me on this.  I can make this statement without batting an eyelash because back then, as I was working in IBM mainframe-based environments, that thing on MULTI-TASKING was supposedly in reference to the computing power of those mainframe computers at that time❌❌❌
With MULTI-TASKING coined for decades to describe the parallel processing power of the high-end computers, MULTI-TASKING has now evolved to be the shorthand for that human attempt to do simultaneously as many things as possible, as quickly as possible, preferably marshalling the power of as many technologies as possible, ALL-IN-ONE, where possible❎❎❎
Of course, way back the 1990s and 2000s, one sensed a kind of exuberance about the possibilities of MULTI-TASKING.  Even those advertisements for electronic gadgets celebrated the notion of using technology to accomplish several things at once.  BUT at what price?  FOCUS.  QUALITY.  And, even ironically, PRODUCTIVITY.  WHY?  Where QUALITY has been compromised, obviously PRODUCTIVITY dips, obviously.  So, it's a given that MULTI-TASKING IS A MYTH❗❗❗

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