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Sunday, March 17, 2024



Many of us DON'T hate PRESSURE.  Truth is, ALL OF US hate PRESSUREPRESSURE, Anyone? The GOOD NEWS is that studies show that PRESSURE is a PRIVILEGE.  For most of us, the thought of being under any sort of PRESSURE can be overwhelming.  However, the brightest diamonds are formed under PRESSURE💴💷💵

Let's talk about our careers or any aspect of our life.  It is imperative and important to understand that PRESSURE is a good thing.  That said, it is also important to know HOW to avoid collapsing under its weight.  Despite the NEGATIVE stuff and connotations that come with it, there are zillion reasons WHY PRESSURE is indeed a GOOD THING for us📘📗📙

And one of the obvious reasons WHY PRESSURE is a GOOD THING is that it reflects the person's status of their ABILITY-LEVEL.  If you're in a situation where you are being put under a lot of PRESSURE, it probably means you have proven yourself to a certain level so MORE is expected of you.  In addition to giving you a major confidence boost, this level of PRESSURE also lets you know WHERE you are in the FOOD CHAIN.  If a lot of people need you for a variety of tasks, that is a clear indication that they have confidence in your abilities and can count on you to get it done✅✅✅

BUT here's the catch.  PRESSURE has its downsides!  There are times WHERE too much PRESSURE can be applied to someone due to unreasonable expectations and in some cases, people find themselves in a position they DIDN'T earn because of either luck or a mistake.  In those situations, PRESSURE can take a heavy toll as the person DOESN'T need the position they are in❌❌❌

PRESSURE usually reveals a person's TRUE COLORS.  If they are incapable of doing WHAT needs to be done OR willing to do dishonest things to reach their goals, those are the signs they AREN'T suited for the role and eventually it will all become too much of a PRESSURE for them.  So WHAT'S our takeaway?  It is important to remember WHAT got you there in a situation.  And there are many ways that you can work with your PRESSURE in order to make the most out of it❗❗❗

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