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Thursday, November 2, 2023

Rain Falls Harder On A Leaky Roof

Rain Falls Harder On A Leaky Roof

Rain Falls Harder On A Leaky Roof, that's a common expression in Japan.  Simply put, this Japanese proverb points to the obvious need that our FOUNDATIONS in life should be robust and sturdy enough to withstand the unknowns and even the unpredictables in the future, else, worse things can turn to worst๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ
And what are the FOUNDATIONS in our personal life?  It all bolls down to our relationships with our partner/spouse, our immediate family and loved ones, our colleagues and bosses at work, our customer base from our commercial operations.  We can equip and ready up ourselves for any future eventuality but NOTHING equates or supplants the importance of laying the groundwork for solid and strong foundations of relationships in our life⏳⏳⏳
People who end up mas casualties of the difficult phases in life which were not pre-empted, they would claim FORCE MAJEURE, that it is beyond their control.  Dude, when you hear that, that is a HALF-TRUTH because by then it is a fact that things are BEYOND CONTROL but the bigger and puzzling question is as to WHY and HOW you ended up in that FORCE MAJEURE situation.  WHAT have you laid down to prepare yourself when the heavy rains would simply throw you awash and offtrack๐Ÿ“˜๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“—
Let's play devil's advocate.  So what happens when you laid out the right foundations that are robust enough for whatever rainfall and typhoons that might hit you?  That makes you READY enough.  That leads you to RESILIENCE.  That leads you to be a step ahead of whatever unknown variables that might hit you down the road.  By that time, you have buttressed your defenses in a proactive way, anticipating the worst✅✅✅
Borrowing the age-old Japanese way of doing things, when compared to the western world wherein people spend 20% planning and 80% for the execution, Japanese best practice shows us approximately 80% planning and 20% execution.  What's the rationale for that big chunk of time + effort spent during planning?  They're preparing their roofs to be sturdy enough WHEN RAIN FALLS HARDER❗❗❗

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