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Wednesday, May 1, 2024



Do we agree that the same task or activity can lead to two or more different results simply because that 'DECISION FACTOR' Matters?  Let's play out very boring role play.  You wake up, you drink water, you exercise, you read a few pages, you dress up, and kickstart your work.  NOW let's look at our second scenario.  You wake up, alarm ringgggs, you hit the snooze button 5 times !@#$%? Then you scroll through your smartphone for an hour, still feeling sleepy, and finally OUT OF BED, eat some processed food [a.k.a. GARBAGE], then go to NETFLIX, then rush up to workπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

So, IS THAT IT?  That the rest of our day gets dictated by our own behaviors and DECISIONS right when we wake up!  Same day.  Same scenarios.  Different outcomes.  Different result.  Now let's swing to our workplace scenario where you did a client presentation but it seems to be a FLOP the way your clients did NOT warmly received your presentation.  WHY?  Is it because your client was NOT appreciative❓❓❓

The Aussies and Brits will retort, that's RUBBISH.  WHY?  You just DIDN'T take charge.  You DIDN'T do your activity diligently enough to help you present to your client with aplomb.  BUT you let it happen to you.  In chess, you're CHECKMATED.  You just CAN'T blame anyone, NOT your boss, NOT your client.  NOT the world.  So WHAT's our FIX?  Either you correct it OR you just let that cycle repeat every god damn day.  In a nutshell, the BALL IS IN YOUR COURTBUT BTW, one bad day WON'T define your life BUT one BAD habit can totally flip your life upside down.  Meanwhile, you WON'T even get the game, all simply because you lost CONTROL of things.  Food for thought here.  TAKE CHARGE and you get OR regain the CONTROL of the game in your hands✅✅✅

WHAT's our takeaway?  If you know something is either BAD or inimical to you, WHY can't you just stop it? Without singling out smoking [except as an example], about 70% of smokers say they would like to quit.  Even drug and alcohol abusers struggle to give up their addictions that hurt their bodies and worse, even tear apart families and relationships.  And from a health perspective, many of us [and I'm guilty of that MANY TIMES in the past] have unhealthy meals and intake.  Even scientists are alarmed as to WHAT happens to our brain when HABITS form.  And they've found clues as to WHY BAD HABITS, once established, are so damn difficult to 'KICK OUT'❌❌❌

Now, let's state the obvious.  HABITS can arise through repetition.  They are a normal part of life and are often helpful.  So, WHEN our behaviors become 'automatic', it gives us an advantage because our brain does NOT have to use conscious thought to perform an activity.  In effect, this literally FREES UP our brain to focus on different things.  So, dude, this is where that 'DECISION FACTOR' really matters, dude❗❗❗

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