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Friday, May 10, 2024

What's Draining Your Energy?

What's Draining Your Energy?

What's DRAINING YOUR ENERGYIronically, this is the shortest question ever that can be answered mile-long because there's an extremely long list of possibilities which can be DRAINING YOUR ENERGY.  And ironically, it can start with YOU yourself, way before you get up on your feet right when you wakeup.  Your mood, your mindset, your thinking, your habit formation, everything in you in fact and that saga that DRAINS YOUR ENERGY may probably end up only when you hit the sack in the evening, there you are snoring.  Even then, there are low-quality SLEEPS which, by itself, are DRAINING YOUR ENERGY even when asleep!@#$%?

So, what else is DRAINING YOUR ENERGY?  Again, it's a long long list BUT if we want to create a shortcut, it all comes down to a 5-letter word spelled H-A-B-I-THABITS are the foundation of WHO we are as a person and even as a professional.  We are the product of our everyday HABITS and we choose everyday WHETHER we want to improve ourselves, maintain our excellence OR contribute to our very own discontent.  BUT first, we must be aware of our bad HABITS, so that we can take the necessary steps to change themπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

And would you believe, of all the BAD HABITS that's DRAINING YOUR ENERGY, topping the list is when we TAKE THINGS PERSONALLY!  When you attribute every interaction a person has with you to how they feel about you, it will be exhausting and more often than NOT it's NOT correct.  Chances are, it's NOT about you and you're NOT helping the situation by taking it personally.  NOT taking things personally will save you a lot of stress and your workplace a lot of needless strainπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Second common culprit that drains our energy is HOLDING ON TO THE PAST.  The past is WHAT it is, there isn't utility to holding grudges OR being angry.  The only person you're impacting by holding on to the past is you.  So, LET THINGS GO, if NOT for them, then for you.  Another common culprit [which BTW is happening all over the place all the time] is ALWAYS CHECKING SOCIAL MEDIA & EMAILS.  If someone has to wait a couple of hours for an email, then they wait.  The world WON'T end anyways❎❎❎

Another culprit which we could be guilty of, is to CONSTANTLY WORRY.  Worrying does NOT solve a problem.  On the other hard, more often, worrying exacerbates a problem.  If something is way out of your hands, then it's out of your hands and there is simply NO point in worrying about it.  If there's something you can do about it, then stop worrying and take action.  Worrying is simply a waste of energy, focus on WHAT you can control.  So, WHAT ELSE IS DRANING YOUR ENERGY, dude❓❓❓

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