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Sunday, May 5, 2024

Thinking Out Of The Box?

Thinking Out Of The Box?

Thinking Out Of The Box?  Think about it.  OR rather, DON'T ever think about it.  And yes, DON'T repeatedly say it over and over again.  We had enough of it.  Slogans and mottos have been running along those same lines for the longest time.  BUT we have to realize that phrase is a cliche that tells us NOTHING as in N-O-T-H-I-N-G about WHAT being creative involves OR HOW to be more creative.  If anything, it is limiting to us💎💎💎

At the core of our thread today is CREATIVITY and HOW do we define it without using a useless cliche.  And for alignment, Mr Google defines it as "CREATIVE THINKING IS MORE THAN COMING UP WITH NEW IDEAS.  IT IS ABOUT LIVING LIFE IN A WAY THAT IS OPEN, AUTHENTIC AND CURIOUS,  IT IS A MINDSET AND APPROACH TO EVERYTHING WE DO".  So, this definition provides us insight into WHAT goes into being CREATIVE.  We should remain open to alternatives, be authentic with our efforts and remain curious about this world.  And WHILE it still ISN'T specific about defining CREATIVITY, it provides a much more practical explanation.  BUT who's the culprit for this cliche, blame it on management consultants way back the 80s📌📌📌

So, WHAT's our takeaway today?  Forget and shun off that THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX cliche for now because it will confuse you than guide you.  Instead, even from WITHIN THE BOX, we can radically imagine NEW possibilities for us to question the way things are, and to further stretch the boundaries of WHAT could be.  So, even from WITHIN THE BOX, we can compare RADICAL IMAGINATION to the work done in science-fiction films and novels.  Remember STAR TREK and BACK TO THE FUTURE?  In the same way science fiction has the power to influence society to develop new ideas, IMAGINATION can create that blueprint.  Via our IMAGINATION, we can envision alternate realities to prevent or even to actualize values.  Still contemplating to be THINKING OUT OF THE BOX?  Think about it, dude✅✅✅

Truth of the matter here.  We have enough rules, guidelines and parameters both in our personal and work life.  And WHILE there are the likes of Elon Musk and Bill Gates who've been beating their chests [to proclaim that they are THINKING OUT OF THE BOX], I'd like to tag them as outliers rather than players playing within the norms of the game.  So, WHERE does that live us❓❓❓

At this point, please allow me to be frank and blunt about all these hullaballoo.  UNLESS you are a core member of either product development OR R&D, I'll strongly encourage each one of us that for now, as long as your deliverables are still UP IN THE AIR, please work and deliver things WITHIN THE BOX.  THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX could be a reasonable incentive ONLY AFTER you have 'DELIVERED THE GOODs'💴💷💵

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