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Friday, May 24, 2024

[Quite] Effortless Habits To Ponder

[Quite] Effortless Habits To Ponder

We're done with the 1st quarter of 2024, so maybe it's time to say HELLO, HOW'S IT GOING [with regard those perennial NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS]? NOT to be a naysayer but many of us [including moi [many times in the past], got stuck with such NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS and then brush it off to RECYCLE and REUSE come the next new year and the next new year.  So, how about [Quite] Effortless Habits To Ponder?  Hoping that somehow, we will make some headway instead of getting stuck with the vicious cycleπŸ’§πŸ’§πŸ’§

Let's rattle off some [almost] effortless LIFE HACKS here:

  • RISE WITH THE ROOSTER.  We are so spoiled with the alarm clock's SNOOZE button!  This is a sincere pleading.  Please forget SNOOZING
  • UNSUBSCRIBE from those newsfeeds NEGATIVITY + FAKE NEWS!  Please HIT UNSUBSCRIBE and surround yourself with things that UPLIFT + INSPIRE you everyday
  • MOVE YOUR BODY [with joy].  NO NEED to go to the gym. Walk every morning.  Stretch in the sun
  • HYDRATE LIKE A PLANT IN SPRING.  Ditch those sugary sodas and fill your glass with water.  That should lead you through the day
  • NOURISH DON'T PUNISH.  Hey, I'm guilty of this,  FOOD is FUEL, NOT a BATTLEFIELD.  As they say, a nourishing plate fuels your mind, body and soul, to leave you energized
  • DECLUTTER both your space and your mind.  Clear space, clear mind, clear path
  • WRITE like you're talking to a friend.  Journaling ISN'T about penmanship OR Pulitzer prizes.  It's about pouring your heart onto the page, untangling thoughts and witnessing your wisdom unfold
  • LEARN A NEW THING.  Challenge yourself.  GET OUT of your comfort zone.  Take a [FREE] online course, to expand your mind, broaden your skills
  • Say NO with grace, like a ninja of boundaries.  DON'T forget that you are NOT a human "YES" button.  Learn to politely decline requests that DON'T align with your energy OR values. PRACTICE
  • GRATITUDE [even for the small stuff].  Trust me, this will NOT only feel others good BUT you will feel so good for making others feel good.
These simple life hacks are [QUITE] EFFORTLESS HABITS to ponder, dudeπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

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