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Thursday, May 30, 2024



Supposedly, WORRYING is NOT worth our time OR even be our thread today.  Simply because everyone feels afraid OR worried at times, BUT if these feelings begin to literally TAKE OVER your life, then we have a problem.  THEN, it is worth reconsidering that we spend a bit of time on this thread: When To WORRY About WORRYING.  NOT to raise alarms, though, the first threshold we should be wary to breach is what experts call GENERALIZED ANXIETY DISORDER [GAD]💧💧💧

Problem is, we often endure the discomfort caused by GAD or we [wrongly] think that this is pretty normal.  In the end, this does NOT get flagged down as a problem.  BUT experts are warning us that if GAD is left alone to manifest, it may potentially lead to serious health problems [such as high blood pressure, depression and even addictive behavior like excessive drinking].  Admittedly, people with GAD will be unable to shake off that feeling that something BAD might happen and that they DON'T seem to be prepared .  They may even worry to excess about missing an appointment, losing a job, or having an accident📙📗📘

Surprisingly [and shockingly, some people even WORRY about WORRYING too much.  Now, before we miss out those tell-tale signs, allow me to share the below symptoms of GENERALIZED ANXIETY DISORDER:

  • Persistent, excessive extended WORRY on several things
  • Fatigue and difficulty sleeping OR restlessness
  • Trouble concentrating on task at hand
  • Muscle tension
  • Irritability
  • That feeling tense
So, WHAT should we do?  Experts advise that first things first, let us acknowledge when we SEEM to be manifesting any of these common symptoms.  And that's our dilemma.  Many of us understand WHAT's causing their FEAR + WORRY but DON'T often want to face it.  Experts forewarn as well that physical symptoms can come in different forms and shapes.  And that includes racing heart, dry mouth, upset stomach, muscle tension, sweating, trembling and even irritability💥💥💥
Our takeaway?  WHETHER your doctor will advise you for medical treatment OR therapy, the 'ball is on your court'.  NOT to bad mouth pharmacology but medicines will offer you much greater symptom relief over time BUT there are potentially intangible help in the form of avoiding tendencies to EXAGGERATE difficulties OR unnecessarily concocting pessimistic assumptions, which exacerbate one's condition.  This is WHEN we need to WORRY on WORRYING❎❎❎

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