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Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Going Against The Tide?

Going Against The Tide?

Here's a challenge question for everyone.  HOW does your IDEAL life unfold?  WHERE does it start and WHERE does it end?  WHAT amazing things are you going to create with your hands and with your brilliant mind?  WHAT, if anything, are you just pining to do with your life for now?  Now, WHETHER to float with the tide OR Going Against The Tide, it is a choice we must all make consciously OR unconsciously at one time in our lives.  Sadly, few people get thisπŸ’΅πŸ’΄πŸ’·

Let us look back. Think of any DECISION you've ever made which had a bearing on your future.  Either way it goes, I may be wrong BUT I DON'T see how it could have been anything BUT a choice.  NOT to forget that in life, there are times WHEN we'll find ourselves floating.  That will be those periods defined by UNSUCCESSFUL choices, the kind that leads frustration and unhappiness.  Let's admit there are DECISIONS we arrive at, NOT because we're 100% into itπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

If you're a sales OR account executive, probably you remember signing on a new client NOT because you were damn passionate with that opportunity BUT maybe you were trying to reach your quota.  THAT business partnership you entered into, probably you just want to go with it BUT NOT because it was the best strategic move.  THAT house you bought in the suburbs, you did it because it was the next logical move to do BUT not really because you 'fell in love' with that houseπŸ’§πŸ’§πŸ’§

All these are what is commonly called as those FLOATING DECISIONS, making those decisions for WHAT life offers and NOT seeking out WHAT your soul craves.  Getting by with GOOD ENOUGH.  Saying YES to to an option OUT OF FEAR that nothing better will come along, rather than having that certainty that that CHOICE will move you in the direction of your goals.  NOT to point fingers BUT how many of us have lived and worked this way?  And HOW do we break out of this pattern?  Let's assume each of us have eight possible paths to follow and let's assume that we all CAN'T see any real purpose in any of the eight possible paths.  WHAT NEXT❓❓❓

Can we guess WHAT'S NEXT for us?  Dude, this all points us to look and explore for that NINTH possible path.  Admittedly, this is much easier said than done because it is NEVER easy as it sounds.  Especially since we all live a relatively narrow life, in fact, a vertical rather than a horizontal existence. So it ISN'T any too difficult to understand WHY we seem to feel this way.  Our takeaway?  WHEN crunch time comes, decide and make a CHOICE [NOT to scare, if you procrastinate in CHOOSING, circumstance itself will inevitably make the CHOOSING on your behalf].  Will you still be GOING AGAINST THE TIDE❓❓❓

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