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Sunday, May 12, 2024

NEVER Underestimate The Power of SELF-PERCEPTION

NEVER Underestimate The Power of SELF-PERCEPTION

NEVER Underestimate The Power of SELF-PERCEPTION.  In today's life where everything is driven by social validation and external opinions [coming from many OPINIONATED people], it's easy to lose sight of the profound impact that our SELF-PERCEPTION can have on our lives.  As I heard this many times, 'WHAT YOU THINK OF YOURSELF IS MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN WHAT OTHERS THINK OF YOU'πŸ’΄πŸ’·πŸ’΅

Sadly, this is the harsh truth because many of us are much more pre-occupied with HOW others think of him/her, HOW the opinions of others about him/her really matter MORE THAN his/her understanding and SELF-PERCEPTION of and about himself/herself.  You might wonder, why does SELF-PERCEPTION carry such significance, if at all?  BUT this stretched saga goes back to the human nature that often craves external validationπŸ“˜πŸ“—πŸ“™

Imagine yourself readying up for a social event. After you spent hours preparing yourself at home, and after turning and facing the mirror a zillion times, nothing will satisfy you that indeed you're ready and all set to go to the social event NOT UNTIL someone tells you, YOU'RE SO GORGEOUS.  A pat on the back, a nod of approval, OR even a stream of compliments, that's most of us will be hungering forπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

And while there is nothing inherently wrong with seeking affirmation from others, placing excessive importance on external opinions can lead to a precarious SENSE of SELF-WORTH.  The danger there lies in tethering our HAPPINESS and self-esteem to the unpredictable winds of others' judgments.  People's opinions are fleeting and subject to change, often influenced by a myriad of factors beyond our control.  Our takeaway?  Leverage on the power of SELF-PERCEPTION❗❗❗

So, WHY is our SELF-PERCEPTION that critically important?  In our day-to-day life WHERE people curate their lives for public consumption, the pursuit of LIKEs, COMMENTs, and FOLLOWERs can inadvertently become a measure of SELF-WORTH.  BUT that external validation is ephemeral and that 'DOPAMINE HIT' derived from it is short-lived.  Unfortunately, relying on the fickle nature of external opinions for one's sense of self is akin to building a house on shifting sands.  So, let's leverage on SELF-PERCEPTION and dump out the window our cravings for external validations❌❌❌

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