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Saturday, May 4, 2024

Dreamers Versus Achievers

Dreamers Versus Achievers

Dreamers Versus Achievers.  QUESTION Are you a DREAMER?  Or an ACHIEVER?  Ok, fine, I can see you hesitant to blurt out, that's fine.  Let's rattle off how the DREAMER gets differentiated from the ACHIEVERDREAMERS talk about what they should do.  ACHIEVERS just do it.  DREAMERS talk about 'ONE DAY'.  ACHIEVERS focus on 'DAY ONE'.  DREAMERS tend to 'OVER-PLAN' and sometimes never gets started.  ACHIEVERS act and adjust as the situation changes.  DREAMERS babble.  ACHIEVERS are clear and they know their message, their audience and able to get to the point quicklyπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜
True, DREAMERS have many goals BUT many of them are unrelated.  ACHIEVERS are 'laser-focused' on their goal.  DREAMERS talk more [and they tend to be noisy] BUT listen less.  ACHIEVERS listen more than they talk.  And they pay more attention to those gaps or looks for ways to connect two unrelated points.  DREAMERS tend to give up when faced with a challenge.  ACHIEVERS know they will overcome the barrier and succeed.  And for ACHIEVERS, it is never a question of IF they will overcome a hurdle as they have confidence that they will.  Instead, they will focus on HOW to overcome the latest barrier they hitπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Billionaire Warren Buffet was asked what differentiates DREAMERS versus ACHIEVERS.  He was blunt, to quote: 'THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE AND DREAMERS IS THAT THE SUCCESSFUL ONES SAY NO TO ALMOST EVERYTHING'.  What did he mean with that 'NO'?  And he highlighted that everyday, we are all inundated with requests, favors and tasks.  The KEY lies in distinguishing between WHAT is the top-shelf priority and WHAT is merely another task that can be de-prioritized❎❎❎
The late Steve Jobs, the co-founder of APPLE, was known for his unwavering focus on innovation.  In his memoirs, he said NO  to numerous product ideas, ensuring that APPLE's resources were channeled into groundbreaking technologies like the iPhone and MacBook.  He called this discipline as "SELECTIVITY', and he claims this was a major factor in the successes he achieved for APPLE❗❗❗
Warren Buffett goes on to encourage that we should BUILD OUR KNOWLEDGE on a daily basis.  According to him, the key to SUCCESS is to go to bed a little smarter each day [THAN THE PREVIOUS DAY].  He calls this the BUFFETT FORMULA and he compared this approach to 'compound interest' wherein the idea of reading more pages a week might sound daunting BUT the essence lies in the compounding effect it has on your intellect, very much like compound interest in investing and bank deposits.  What's our takeaway?  ACHIEVERS do their best to control their environment and recognize that their SUCCESS is dependent on their effort, persistence and initiative.  They OUTWORK everyone.  They realize that their luck is well earned.  They DON'T just dream.  They actively work to achieve their goals.  Hey dude, will you remain a DREAMER?  Or dare to DREAM to be an ACHIEVER❔❔❔

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