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Sunday, May 26, 2024

Who Cares?

Who Cares?

We all have FEARS.  That's a given.  BUT our FEARS about what other people think of us are simply overblown and rarely worth fretting over. BUT Who Cares, seriously ? The real problem here ISN'T technology creeping in and disrupting our private lives BUT it's all human nature.  We seem to be wired to care about WHAT others think of us.  To quote Marcus Aurelius, the great Roman philosopher, 'We all love ourselves more than other people BUT care more about their opinion than our own' [that is, WHETHER they are friends, strangers OR even enemies].  This tendency may be natural BUT it can drive us around the bend if we let it.  And IF we were perfectly logical beings, we would understand that our FEARS about WHAT other people think are overblown and NOT worth fretting overπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

Problem is, OR rather, our BIGGER problem is that many of us [and I was guilty of this in the past] have been indulging this BAD habit for as long as we can remember, so we need to take deliberate steps to change our minds.  Which reminds me of this anonymous one-liner: "You've gotta dance like there's NOBODY watching, love like you'll NEVER get hurt, sing like there's NOBODY listening and live like it's HEAVEN ON EARTH'.  This is the conundrum most of us get caught and squeezed, often unable to wiggle out of the situation.  WHY?  Because by then we have developed that HABIT always thinking SOMEONE is watching, SOMEONE caresπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

It's true, across countries and cultures, there are kibitzers, snoopers and busybodies.  And I've blurted this out a zillion times in smaller circles.  THAT if you are in a room with ten other people, trust me, there are ten ideas, ten opinions.  WHAT you will get and hear is a cacophony and NOT a euphony.  WHY?  That is human nature.  Very extremely rare will you hear one retort like, "I'm sorry I can't comment because I DON'T have any inputs at all"πŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Looking back, when I took that LEAP OF FAITH by taking that highly risky initiative to explore for career opportunities in Singapore, I can quickly count that at the very least, I manage to somehow influence either directly OR indirectly the lives and futures of at least four families whose paths have definitely been rewritten ever since each of the four people picked up the gauntlet and did NOT ignore the opportunities in Singapore, Southeast Asia's undisputed financial and economic hub [overtaking Hong Kong year-on-year in all performance metrices].  If I cared with WHAT others will care, I could have been stucked in a caveπŸ’§πŸ’§πŸ’§

Our takeaway?  I am tempted to look back [with nostalgia] in my college days WHEN I was often afraid [AS IN] of being judged by other people.  And to get out of my comfort zone, I pushed myself to join university activities like the university editorial board and that led me to a path walk WHERE I gradually realized that, 'HEY, NO ONE CARES' so why should I?  From that point onwards, I did WHAT I wanted to do, I acted on things I deem it right, and I came up with informed decisions by factoring-in all inputs.  Fast forward today, WHO CARES?  Damn dude.  Do your thing, do your stuffπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

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