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Monday, May 27, 2024

How Common Is Common Sense?

How Common Is Common Sense?

How Common Is Common Sense?  Hey dude, could a lack of common sense be holding you back in life?  For alignment, COMMON SENSE is a form of practical decision-making and the ability to imagine the consequences of something you do.  It then stops us from making irrational mistakes and makes it easier to make choices on WHAT to do.  We AREN'T born with COMMON SENSE BUT rather, we develop it over timeπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

Like, it's the COMMON SENSE view to look before crossing the road, to bring the washing in from the line outside when it's raining, NOT to leave the candle alight WHEN you got to go out of the house, to complete an urgent OR important task first, BUT it's NOT just common to everyone, right?  Some people find it harder to think through the consequences of their actions and need to learn COMMON SENSE.  And for some highly intelligent people, they will never learn the COMMON SENSE-way BUT they then go on to make important discoveries to change the world, just like billionaire Elon Musk of late.  With intelligence, you will understand the reason it is raining but the COMMON SENSE view is to stay out of the rain OR take an umbrella OR raincoat, right❓❓❓

At work, we want to be with people WHO display COMMON SENSE as it makes our life just much easier.  They share a common view on WHAT needs to get done, appreciate the needs of the team and will properly complete a task and meet their deadlines.  It can often mean that we need to manage them more closely and this scuppers their chance of promotion.  Surprisingly, COMMON SENSE impacts us way beyond what we are probably aware ofπŸ’§πŸ’§πŸ’§
Statistics also show that in the U.K., 68% of Brits believe COMMON SENSE is more important in a potential partner than good looks.  In fact, 48% of Brits wouldn't date someone WHO lacked COMMON SENSE and 20% have, in fact, DUMPED a romantic partner, all because of a lack of COMMON SENSE.  Indeed, WHEN our partner doesn't have COMMON SENSE, it can make us feel like their mother OR carer, constantly having to remind them to do things that most people would do with ease, like putting the bins out, lock the door❌❌❌
One of the interesting research studies shared that individual uniqueness of COMMON SENSE beliefs showed that agreement on COMMON SENSE  diminishes significantly in larger groups such that each person's idea of COMMON SENSE  may be uniquely their own, making the concept less common than one might expect.  Our takeaway?  COMMON SENSE is enhanced by personal experience, and to a far lesser degree, education.  That ability to perceive and discern a situation QUICK enough [and accurately at that] is usually enhanced by life experience.  To wrap-up this intellectual interchange, let's agree that COMMON SENSE  is WHAT we have BUT the other guy DOES NOT have.  Unfortunately, delving into a can of worms may NOT be fruitless unless one is a hungry bird?  After all, COMMON SENSE is not that COMMON😌😌😌

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