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Friday, May 3, 2024

Beware of Behavioral STREAKS

Beware of Behavioral STREAKS

Have you observed kids and adults alike becoming hooked on various mobile apps and gaming?  And have you experienced pulling that person from that STREAK?  Marketing experts claim that there's a reason why so many apps are successful n hooking users.  BUT this is NOT just about Behavioral STREAKS because the consequences even involve companies so we better be Beware of Behavioral STREAKS💵💴💷

The caution here is that a Behavioral STREAK has the power to compel behavior [and marketing experts are so well aware of this 'human trap'].  According to marketing experts, the STREAK is as important as the app or activity itself.  And to highlight the STREAK it can create a new source of motivation and people tend to more likely continue a behavior WHEN they are told they have a STREAK [versus NOT].  On the flip side, highlighted broken STREAKS are especially demotivating and decrease engagement in the behavior📗📙📘
So, WHAT really is a STREAK?  Because there is NO generally accepted definition of WHAT a STREAK is, marketing experts are starting to define that phenomenon.  And based on input from people maintaining such STREAKS and how STREAKS are described in the popular media, they claim there are four underlying characteristics.  Primero, that STREAKS require 'unchanging' performance, which means, rules defined by the STREAKER what it means to successfully complete an activity.  This explains WHY we see that discipline of gym buffs and marathoners📌📌📌
Segundo, the 'STREAK HOLDER' largely attributes completing the activity to his or her own resolve.  Tercero, the STREAK is a series of the same completed activity that the person maintaining the STREAK considers to be uninterrupted.  And lastly, the STREAKER quantifies the duration, how many days he'll bike to office✅✅✅
WHAT's our takeaway here?  This proves that WHERE THERE'S A WILL, then we can MAKE THINGS HAPPEN because it is us who often engage in behavior patterns OR a recurring way of acting in a given situation.  A STREAK s a form of patterned behavior.  While we all have habits, some are reflex-like, like when people mindlessly fasten their seat belt once seated in a car.  So, if we're on a STREAK doing things right, credit it to us BUT if we're on a STREAK of something NOT right, it's on us as well❗❗❗

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