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Monday, May 20, 2024

Does It Really Take Two To Tango?

Does It Really Take Two To Tango?

Does It Really Take Two To Tango? My honest answer is YES and NO.  I was in a conversation the other day and the topic was focused on a friend WHO was talking about his supportive spouse and that exchange started with the comment 'THEY HAVE A GREAT RELATIONSHIP',  to which I blurted out [by default though]:  'IT TAKES TWO TO TANGO, RIGHT?'  This then egged me to have this as our thread for todayπŸ’΅πŸ’΄πŸ’·

As an after-thought, I pondered over my response that day and wondered [and challenged myself], is that really what I believe it was?  Does it really TAKE TWO to make or break a relationship?  How do we define a great connection that exists between two people?  Could it be that we've adopted a common myth as fact?  Indeed, I realized of late that this topic is worth discussing [if NOT debating] because I admit having this realizations, albeit too late in the day [BUT LATE IS BETTER THAN NEVER, right?]πŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

In all our lives, whether they are yours or the lives of your relatives, friends and strangers, from time to time, there may be RED FLAGS [or at least potential ones] in relationships.  All it takes is for one partner to make a unilateral decision to destroy a relationship.  All it takes is one selfish person [unfortunately] to ruin a relationship and everything gets ruinedπŸ’§πŸ’§πŸ’§

Problem is, we all have our own EGOs and sometimes, EGO gets in the way, especially during disagreements.  I'm NOT saying though that only one party is accountable and the other can get away scot-free BUT contrary to popular belief, it is merely a COLLABORATIVE effort.  In fact, personality traits affect how we emotionally connect to others.  A person WHO lacks integrity and empathy will make DECISIONS based on HOW it will make them look rather than HOW it will benefit others.  HARSH TRUTH❕❕❕

Our takeaway?  Let's face it, personality traits affect how we emotionally connect to others.  A person WHO lacks integrity and empathy will make DECISIONS based on how it will be favorable to them.  And they are incapable of validating other people's feelings and so, it becomes difficult for them to hold themselves to the commitment of sustaining a healthy relationship.  Let's agree though that we CAN'T change the personality of our partner/spouse's personality traits because personality flaws are UNCHANGEABLE from the outside.  We DON'T have control over the events that have come to shape WHO he or she is right now.  So, DOES IT REALLY TAKE TWO TO TANGO.  The answer is a YES and a loud NO  as well❗❗❗

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