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Saturday, May 18, 2024

is HAPPINESS Elusive?

is HAPPINESS Elusive?

is HAPPINESS Elusive?  For some of us, I DON'T think so that this question is holding any bagful of water at all BUT for the many others out there, I can attest [as a first-hand account and attestation] that I've seen and faced people UP CLOSE who, despite having with them ALL that he/she needs in life, remains UNHAPPY [till now].  Some would even blurt out that he/she would prefer to be run-over by a vehicle, all because that person remains UNHAPPY [even as we speak]. How do I react to this?   I commiserate and I sympathize that person's chronic dilemma BUT who else can help him/her???
REALLY, a big part of the problem regarding HAPPINESS being elusive is the fact that HAPPINESS is NOT [as in NOT] just one thing.  And WHAT exacerbates this problem is the fact that some types of problems may even run conflict with one another.  In other words, having too much of one type of HAPPINESS may undermine our ability to have enough of other types of HAPPINESS.  In other words, it is simply IMPOSSIBLE for us to simultaneously have all types of HAPPINESS in various quantities.  A real life example that a satisfying LIFE built on a SUCCESSFUL career and a good marriage is something that unfolds over a longer period of time.  And it takes a lot of work, and often requires avoiding pleasures [like partying]❎❎❎
Frankly, that example also means you CAN'T while away way too long and too much of your time spending one pleasant lazy day after another in the company of good friends.  Which means, keeping your nose to the grindstone demands that you cut back on many of life's PLEASURES.  Relaxing days and even friendships may fall by by wayside💎💎💎
In the shortest words possible, as HAPPINESS in one area of life increases, it will OFTEN decline in another type of HAPPINESS.  To complicate things, we tend to delude ourselves about our PAST and even our FUTURE.  And this dilemma is further confounded by the way our brains process the experiences of HAPPINESS.  Let's have another real-life phrases we hear around like "WON'T IT BE GREAT WHEN I GO TO COLLEGE, FALL IN LOVE, HAVE KIDS, etc] and similarly we often hear old people express like "WASN'T IT GREAT THEN WHEN I WAS WORKING".  Now, the question is, how often do we hear "ISN'T THIS GREAT, RIGHT NOW"❓❓❓  
Our takeaway?  Surely our PAST and FUTURE aren't always better than the PRESENT .  And yet, we continue to think that this is the case.  Frankly, these are the BRICKS THAT WALL OFF harsh reality from the part of our mind that thinks about PAST and FUTURE HAPPINESS.  So, WHY can't we be adaptive to be HAPPY all of the time while constantly being mindful about the fleeting nature of HAPPINESS.  To be forewarned is to be forearmed❗❗❗

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