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Friday, May 24, 2024

Deadlines & Distractions [a.k.a. DESTRUCTION]

Deadlines & Distractions [a.k.a. DESTRUCTION]

Deadlines & Distractions [a.k.a. DESTRUCTION] have always been our common nemesis in LIFE.  BUT hey, there's NOTHING we can do about those DEADLINES because DEADLINES are DEADLINES BUT how about DISTRACTIONS?  Surely, there is a bagful of ways and means we can do if we're serious and dead set to address DISTRACTIONS.  And BTW, that is NOT a typo because DISTRACTIONS and DESTRUCTIONS are 'Siamese Twins'πŸ’΅πŸ’΄πŸ’·

So, yes we do consider a task, demanding a sequence of efforts that must be completed within a DEADLINEBTW, effort is NOT contractible.  Workers would often get shocked with the opportunities they have at hand which involves COST of TIME and worse, they even get DISTRACTED from work itself.  BUT to be fair, this is NOT a sweeping statement.  NOT all workers do face this predicament.  Some [and probably many] are DISTRACTED LESS and therefore, they become more productive when compared to colleaguesπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

So, WHAT causes the differences between two people performing the same task OR activity?  The most common reason here is that anticipation of DISTRACTIONS induces some people to start earlier as a proactive and precautionary measure.  So, WHAT'S our issue here?  The issue here is that we have a PROBLEM and that PROBLEM is that DISTRACTIONπŸ’§πŸ’§πŸ’§
How often you felt like the task is too much OR that you DON'T know WHETHER you will finish it OR not.  The bigger the task, the more you tend to procrastinate.  And the more you procrastinate, the more you lose confidence in finishing tasks.  Well, procrastinating sometimes could help you think again before taking action BUT a lot of the time, procrastinating makes us avoid our own work, whooo.  It then makes you feel disappointed by your own dedication OR work.  Then, we start to question ourselves about WHETHER we are capable of finishing it OR not.  You might have found your passion and your ambitious goals.  Then, you face a problem WHERE it actually doesn't really matter right now BUT you already think about it too much❎❎❎
THEN, you start feeling overwhelmed and start thinking that "MAYBE THIS IS NOT MY PASSION'  Then you fall into a TRAP like "I DON'T KNOW MY PASSION".  You only need to start working right now.  You can start with WHAT you can do  You DON'T have to finish a project today.  You can plan it and start working on it in small pieces or phases.  Our takeaway today?  Start BREAKING YOUR GOALS into small pieces or phases so that you will be MORE LIKELY to PROGRESS.  Remember, we are focusing on PROGRESS, NOT results [because those results will be coming in later, right?] ✅✅✅

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