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Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Why GOOD NEWS Matters

Why GOOD NEWS Matters

Various researches tell us that even in these normal times [post-Covid pandemic], constant exposure to negative news can have a heavy impact on our mental health.  In the midst of that unprecedented Covid pandemic, people were NOT only faced with new challenges in their work and personal lives BUT also subjected to a constant barrage of troubling headline-grabbing news.  So, question is, Why GOOD NEWS Matters💴💷💵

Amongst others, according to medical experts, NEGATIVE news increases the level of cortisol, our body's primary stress hormone.  And continuous exposure to cortisol has been shown to cause severe side effects, including being unable to naturally regulate blood pressure.  Furthermore, NEGATIVE news stories have been shown to significantly change an individual's mood and mindset, especially if there is a tendency to emphasize suffering📘📗📙

Studies also show that when we are the harbinger of GOOD NEWS and then when people respond enthusiastically to our GOOD NEWS, we feel more grateful and closer to them.  Have you ever had something GOOD happen to you and felt like shouting it from the rooftops?  There's something about sharing GOOD NEWS that seems to enhance the positive feelings we get from happy events in our lives, which experts coined 'CAPITALIZATION'💧💧💧

'CAPITALIZING' on POSITIVE events by sharing them with others [and receiving enthusiastic response in return] has been tied to many GOOD outcomes, including closer relationships and greater HAPPINESS.  A recent study even concluded another identified benefit of sharing the GOOD stuff and that is more feelings of GRATITUDE.  The inquisitive question asked to the researchers is HOW sharing GOOD news leads to gratitude❓❓❓

The explanation friendly enough to a layman tells us that verbalizing GOOD NEWS calls attention to the GOOD things happening in your life.  Like when you are sharing to your friend that you had a good holiday, in recounting WHAT happened, you can 'RE-EXPERIENCE' the POSITIVE feelings and become even more appreciative.  Getting an enthusiastic response to your GOOD news is also important because it makes you feel recognized, validated and cared for in a way that strengthens your relationship, which leads to gratitude as well.  Our takeaway?  Let us learn CAPITALIZING from POSITIVE events because GOOD NEWS really matters❗❗❗

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