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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

How To Keep Going?

How To Keep Going?

HOW do we cope with stress, overcome adversity and have better days ahead in life?  How To Keep Going?  NOT a daunting task BUT please DON'T get me wrong, this is NOT something patsy.  Life is NOT always smooth sailing.  THAT's probably NOT a surprise to most people.  Even then, it still seems to knock the wind out our sails WHEN life gets hard and even harder.  So, WHAT do you do WHEN things AREN'T going the way you'd hoped?  OR when you get broadsided by something unexpected❓❓❓

Let's join hands to explore HOW to weather the storm without a sinking ship.  First and foremost, EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED since life is full of UPs and DOWNs.  So, that should NOT shock us with the UNEXPECTED when life gets hard.  Planning ahead and being prepared may help you to NOT be caught off guard WHEN problems arise.  As in literary prose goes, saving money for a 'RAINY DAY' fund can help with financial pitfalls.  Having other SAFETY NETS in place might even help lessen OR soften the blow and impact of things like an illness, a job loss, or even relationship problems.  Definitely, life will inevitably throw some challenges your way, so having a plan of WHAT to do can make it easier to navigate unpredictable circumstances.  Most people become more upset about things they DIDN'T see coming๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ’ง

IF you can adjust your EXPECTATIONS in such a way that you are aware of possible inevitabilities coming your way, it is likely that you will find it easier to deal with them when they come.  I heard this one-liner many times and it keeps resonating with the loudest decibels within me through the years:  'EXPECT THE BEST, PLAN FOR THE WORST AND PREPARE TO BE SURPRISED'.  Bottom line here is to ask yourself, 'WHAT IS IN YOUR LIFEBOAT?'  WHEN putting together a plan to prepare for hard times, WHAT type of preventive OR recovery measures would you include?  You might consider practices like saving money, proactively guarding your health with the reasonable nutrition and fitness, and being held accountable in your daily activities and work ethics.  Doing your best to stay on top of things and keep them in good working order might help prevent some of the difficult situations down the road๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

Lately [especially when the Covid-19 pandemic broke out], the world seems to be lurching from one crisis to another.  Ever since we went through that pandemic, dramatic changes as to how we conduct our daily lives, economic uncertainty and political [combined with social] turmoil as well as an array of natural disasters have all thrown us hapless.  You can add personal traumas that people are also dealing with, such as the loss of a loved one, declining health, unemployment, divorce, amongst others❎❎❎

What's our takeaway?  Regardless WHETHER the source of a disruption in your life is a global upheaval OR a personal tragedy [or even both], living through difficult times can take a heavy toll on your mood, your health and even your outlook in life.  It can even leave you feeling helpless and overwhelmed by stress and anxiety.  You may be painfully grieving all that you've lost, flooded by a slew of difficult, conflicting emotions, OR even uncertain about HOW to move on with your life.  And dude, you got to KEEP GOING❗❗❗

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