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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

The RIGHT & WRONG Things In Life

The RIGHT & WRONG Things In Life

Good day folks.  Here's a giveaway question for the day.  Is it true that WHEN THE WRONG PEOPLE LEAVE YOUR LIFE, THE RIGHT THINGS START HAPPENING?  Somehow, this anonymous quote holds water but I'd rather NOT use that as a blanket and categorical statement.  To be on the pragmatic side, I'd rather claim there are RIGHT & WRONG Things In Life.  And if it happens that you ended teaming up with the 'rotten' egg OR fruit, things can go awry.  BUT wait when that 'rotten' egg OR fruit is taken away, things will likely shine up for youπŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦

NOT to blame us though, the RIGHTs and WRONGs in life seem contained in a rubik's cube.  WHETHER something is RIGHT or WRONG, sometimes it is HOW we do it that tends to translate and influence things to become either RIGHT or WRONG.  Ironically, whether something is RIGHT or WRONG, that is heavily influenced by either situations OR people.  As a hypothetical example, if your life now is like a fairytale with happiness all around and I ask you if GOD is RIGHT?  Surely, you'll retort, GOD is RIGHT!  Let's reverse things.  Assuming you had a major failure in life recently and I ask you if GOD is RIGHT, surely you will disagree and stand up that GOD is WRONGπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

WHAT's our safest conclusion?  WHETHER something is RIGHT or WRONG, it heavily hinges on your current situation.  And BTW, this happens to us all.  That spontaneity to react to a situation bypasses the very basic concepts of RIGHT and WRONG.  At the workplace, if I ask you if your boss is RIGHT or WRONG, I can be absolutely certain that your response will be based on your current 'TUNING' with him.  That day WHEN he applauds you OR offers you incentives or initiates your promotion, he is RIGHT [absolutely at that!].  BUT that day he screams at you OR overburdens you with work, that same boss is WRONG.  Indeed, WHAT a paradoxπŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘

WHAT could be our realizations here?  It seems we are just another person WHO makes a choice as per your convenience of time and situation.  BUT hey, DON'T feel guilty about this because all of us [that includes moi] are doing this and we're all guilty!@#$%?  Your RIGHT or WRONG is molded as per time and situation❎❎❎

So, WHAT's our takeaway here?  It is all about your priorities and you need NOT feel sorry about it.  Let's face it, it is the practicality of the real world we are in.  And there is NOTHING much you can change about it.  So, let us STOP judging people and situations and STOP labelling them as RIGHT or WRONG.  The thing is, if your LIFE is loaded with materialistic options, you might that thinking always about the monies is WRONGBUT GOD forbid, WHEN you cannot fulfill your necessities of your life, all you want is monies.  So, whether you are RIGHT or WRONG, let us do an in-depth realization❗❗❗

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