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Saturday, May 11, 2024

Thresholds In Our Life

Thresholds In Our Life

The past 2 to 3 years under that pandemic has forced us ALL to deal with unwanted change in many parts of our lives.  In addition to the practicalities of working [or NOT], raising kids, and maintaining our relationships under 'COVID CONDITIONS', practically all of us are feeling the deeper systemic challenges.  What do we do?  Never Ignore The Thresholds In Our Life💴💷💵

We tend to be sensing the broader context of racism, social inequality, climate disruption and even 'power plays' happening in our daily lives.  It's like our sensitivity to change has an added rawness that leads us to be feeling a bit more vulnerable to the 'seismic shifts' happening around us.  How we navigate these experiences well is a question most people seem to be asking in some form.  It's an important one because behind our immediate maneuverings through our less familiar daily lives, lie some deep uncertainties about what it means to be alive n these times.  WHICH tells us to Never Ignore The Thresholds In Our Life📗📙📘

The thing is, we can stretch our mental THRESHOLD, our psychological THRESHOLD, our pain THRESHOLD, our health THRESHOLD, our agony and sacrifice THRESHOLDS all rolled into one BUT whether your challenges involve navigating the molasses of depression, maintaining patience with a now too-familiar housemate OR figuring out just WHAT a meaningful response to CHANGE is, most of those issues call for a CHANGE.  A CHANGE in the way we handle THRESHOLDS in our life because that dictates the tempo.  Even our emotional resilience is shown when your actions follow your higher principles despite tje inner warning bells.  It's those moments when we should Never Ignore The Thresholds In Our Life📌📌📌

And whenever these calls are unheard, ignored OR unanswered, they remain as a test of our emotional resilience as it is a threat to the Thresholds In Our Life.  WHEN we're used to be awash with $$$$$ then days will come when the 'pipe has dried up', how's your THRESHOLD?  WHEN your family is confronted with overlapping challenges, how's your THRESHOLD?  WHEN you're in pain [for whatever reason], how's your THRESHOLD💎💎💎

This is how ALL-ENCOMPASSING all THRESHOLDS.  From carbs to emotions to financials to patience to physical, we just CAN'T and MUSTN'T ignore it regardless if they seem invincible OR incognito.  Emotional UPs and DOWNs are the staples of our daily life.  BUT never forget that we have EMOTIONAL THRESHOLDS.  And we CAN'T ignore those THRESHOLDS, NEVER as in NEVER❗❗❗ You got to deal with it❎❎❎

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