Has anyone secured immunity or exemption from Our 'TRUTH BOMBS' In Life? Certainly and absolutely none. WHY? Because TRUTH BOMBS are always the second variable of our equations in life. We can make up stories, mock up things, build a fictitious facade, lead a charade in life, live a 'double' [or triple] life BUT at the end of the day, we have to pave the way for Our 'TRUTH BOMBS' In Life๐๐๐No one size fits all. That explains why we're here, to share my 2-cents where it's worth it.
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
WHAT IF You Don't Gain Traction?
WHAT IF You Don't Gain Traction?
TRACTION? Does it ring a bell? For quite a plurality, TRACTION is NOT even a talking point. You would hear naysayers just shrugging it off and retort "WHAT TRACTION ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT WHEN WE'RE TALKING?" And this is where the disconnect lies. Many of us take that as long as things are ongoing or some form of communications does exist, then everything is within control and there are no potential roadblocks that seem to be surfacing albeit in a subtle way. But WHAT IF You Don't Gain Traction? Isn't that a potential roadblock already❓❓❓The disconnect here lies in the misconception that as long as things have kickstarted, then it will be like that airborne flight now on auto-pilot BUT that's absolutely NOT the case down here on Planet Earth. Kickstarting things out remains as such, kickstarting. What follows suit will be tons and tons of sweat and efforts for it to progress and more often, initially, things will progress until it reaches a snail's pace. So when should we expect to GAIN TRACTION❓❓❓Now, here's a visual question. WHO wants to be like this wheels, stuck and unable to inch and move forward? And if take this as an example as to why the vehicle seems stuck? It's downright due to the fact that the vehicle's tires miserably failed to gain TRACTION. Now, let's swing back to our own life as it is here where we're drawing such parallelism๐๐๐So, frankly, when could one be GAINING TRACTION? If one is literally progressing towards his goal, be it a literal example of going up the stairs or progressing towards a pre-set goal or a project or initiative you commenced is really literally progressing๐๐๐So, here's a WHAT IF. WHAT IF we do not GAIN TRACTION? The implications are fairly simple. That ongoing initiative or journey, if you may call it, is NOT progressing from Point A to Point B. From a project-standpoint, if you have reached Point B way a week ago and if based on your timelines, a week after you should be hovering somewhere Point E already, you are NOT GAINING TRACTION, period. What behooves then is for you to extricate yourself from that deep morass, dude✅✅✅Monday, October 30, 2023
Speak Up!
Speak Up!
Speak Up! Everyone of us would always remember our first-day jitters, whether in school, at work, at a public event, at social events. BUT that's never an issue because no one is exempted from going through the wringers in those first-day jitters. BUT beyond the first day, when do we Speak UpLet's look back the first time we joined a new organization. It seemed THRILLING yet DAUNTING. That EXCITEMENT of meeting new colleagues and making new friends. The 'HIGH' of taking on new challenges. The opportunities to learn things you never knew beforeAnd the swag. WHO doesn't like coffee mugs and laptop sleeves and that blazing t-shirt telling the world the great place you work in? BUT as a newcomer, you also want to prove that you aren't completely raw. From understanding HOW meetings are run to reading your boss since being new requires a level of focus to UNLEARN the norms of your previous job and train yourself anew based on the needs of your new organizationA very common 'refrain' we hear is that they DON'T know much because they are new in the organization. What is being sorely missed here is the point that being NEW is NOT the same a being a NOVICE. There is an apparent 'danger' in that belief because we might be tempted to let things slip under the guise of 'NOT UNDERSTANDING'What is quite disturbing is that studies show that when people adopt a mentality of "THAT'S JUST THE WAY THINGS ARE DONE HERE" OR "I DON'T WANT TO ROCK THE BOAT", they are less likely to Speak Up. Even in the confines of your home, if your partner/spouse does somethin or acts in a way that is quite concerning to you, you need to Speak Up instead of just shrugging off like "THAT'S THE WAY HE IS" because, with no bad faith intended, you end up condoning your partner/spouse's behavior or action if you deemed it had to be flagged. Do Speak Up❗❗❗
Don't Make Moves With NO End Game
Don't Make Moves With NO End Game
No sirrrrrs, this is NOT about the board game of chess [although I play chess on the internet, it is more as my hobby]. BUT for today's thread, please allow me to draw the parallelism between life and chess, NOT to refer to all the gambits, attacks and defensive moves but rather it infers to us making moves in chess and ensuring to NOT Make Moves With NO End Game. If there is one thing we should be guilty to ourselves, it is all about starting things and then, oh so suddenly just ghosting !@#$%? Does this sound familiar [without imputing speculative and baseless accusations on you]๐๐๐We all goals, ideas, plans and very nice dreams. BUT even if we spend endless hours constructing a narrative about how impactful an idea can be, nothing changes if we DON'T deliver on that idea. Bringing an idea into fruition is what really causes change to happen. As responsible persons, parents, partner/spouse, office workers and entrepreneurs, our job is to FINISH WHAT WE BEGIN. Sharing our completed work can be daunting BUT it also happens to be the most compelling CATALYST for CHANGE๐๐๐So what's hampering us? It is those ROADBLOCKS. And surprisingly, the most common ROADBLOCK is that mix-up between BEING READY versus BEING PREPARED. Are you READY to get into the job market? Are you READY to settle down and raise a family? Are you READY to start up your business initiative๐๐๐
Sunday, October 29, 2023
Why NARRATIVES Are Damn Important
Why NARRATIVES Are Damn Important
Do we buy it that of all things in life, our very NARRATIVES Are Damn Important? Even APPLE, the giant company founded by Steve Jobs, hosted a special event last September 12th in Cupertino, California but as events hosting seem so trivial and mundane, APPLE, more than any other company, seemed to have mastered the ART of NARRATIVES๐๐๐
And as APPLE launches iPhone15, the very core of their 'STORY' is focused on how its products affect people's lives. It has become an essential part of the way it launches its new products. One of its favorite genres involves the stories HOW the APPLE WATCH has saved someone's life. APPLE CEO Tim Cook has talked how the company gets letters from people WHO were wearing the APPLE WATCH, notifying them of irregular heartbeats, as an example ๐ ๐ ๐ Last September 12th, APPLE's iPhone15 Launch started with a four-minute film titled 'ANOTHER BIRTHDAY' and the film featured eight people [including a mom and her unborn daughter] who celebrated another birthday because their lives were SAVED by a feature on an APPLE device. Just a snipper of the four-minute clip, there's the mother whose APPLE WATCH warned her of a high heart rate, causing doctors to rush her to an emergency delivery, SAVING both her life and her daughter's❗❗❗Oh, that was incredibly effective [and that is NOT speaking hyperbole]. It was NOT the company saying 'BUY OUR STUFF OR YOU DIE IF YOU USE GALAXY PHONE' but instead, its NARRATIVE says "WE THINK THESE FEATURES ARE CORE PART OF GIVING PEOPLE PEACE OF MIND [AND THAT EXPERIENCE IS ESSENTIAL TO OUR BRAND]. Swinging over to our life, we got to admit that, as early as NOW [OR was it YESTERDAY], we should be crafting the narrative๐๐๐Why did Hollywood's 'WALK OF FAME' become such an annual ritual so much so that it is a MUST-DO event for celebrities? Simple. It's because the NARRATIVE tells us that Hollywood celebrities are part of our lives in our living room, when we go for a movie binge, when we relish our 'lazy' weekends with movie streaming. So, dude, do start crafting your NARRATIVE [in case you have yet to start it]❗❗❗What Sets Apart FINISHERS Versus QUITTERS?
What Sets Apart FINISHERS Versus QUITTERS?
What Sets Apart FINISHERS Versus QUITTERS? Wowoweee, this should be an interesting question which seems so trivial but hey, we need to realize that is the tipping point between FAILURE versus SUCCESS. Simply put, the basic difference between QUITTERS and FINISHERS is more often in their mindset and subsequent actions [OR inactions]. QUITTERS tend to give up easily when faced with obstacles or challenges while FINISHERS [a.k.a. WINNERS] tend to be utterly persistent and eventually will overcome such obstacles they're facing. So, are you a FINISHER? Or a QUITTER❓❓❓
Before I get whacked, let me qualify that this 'small debate' is neither black nor white. Fact is, at some points in our life, we do end up as a QUITTER. Real life examples, in pursuit of one's lofty ambition to be a pilot, he is so focused UNTIL one day, there is an air mishap in his on-the-job flying school classes. And that pushes the flying school student to quit because of a traumatic experience. That's an outlier๐๐๐A glaring difference between FINSHERS and QUITTERS is that the former would tend to learn from their mistakes and use/apply them as opportunities for growth or to make a headway for a breakthrough, even if that is a very 'small opening' towards an opportunity. Whereas, QUITTERS, on the other hand, tend to dwell on their FAILURES until it lets them get discouraged from trying again❎❎❎
So, what's the ultimate difference between QUITTERS and FINISHERS? It is there in their intestinal fortitude in the way they do approach and handle the challenges in life. As a personal testament, several times in my past, I was on the verge of really QUITTING [as I felt I have exhausted everything I could from my reservoir and I [wrongly] assessed at those super-down times that I had to raise the WHITE FLAG because there is nothing else I can summon from the deepest recesses of my inner self❗❗❗Oooops, there are EXCEPTIONS though, things that we encourage you to QUIT. IF social media is gobbling you up, IF smoking is wreaking havoc deep inside your lungs, IF drugs and alcohol would seem to turn your life upside down, IF your character and discipline are the very ROOT CAUSE[s] when you are in deep turmoil, then please do QUIT pronto. Other than those exceptions, let's think about it, being a FINISHER [and NOT a QUITTER] is NOT a tall order. BTW, it is NOT a huge sacrifice and definitely NOT a steep mountain to climb for us to be a FINISHER [a.k.a. WINNER] and NOT a QUITTER✅✅✅
Saturday, October 28, 2023
[Unless You're Driving] DON'T Get Glued On The Rearview Mirror
[Unless You're Driving] DON'T Get Glued On The Rearview Mirror
[Unless You're Driving] DON'T Get Glued On The Rearview Mirror. Oooops, our thread today is neither about SAFETY nor DRIVING. Instead, this is how we live our life and as much as possible, minimizing or even avoiding to look back at our past if looking back would mean that you will end getting 'hostaged' by your past, delaying or worse, disabling you to move forward in life๐๐๐
It is more first asking ourselves if we are more tied up by our past instead of looking forward in our future. And while we all have made mistakes in our past, that is a given but the bigger question looming over us is, WHAT DO WE DO DIFFERENTLY IF WE HAD A CHANCE? We could ask someone about their regrets and surely we will learn a lot. That's because everyone can think of at least one thing they wish they had done another way๐๐๐But as we all committed mistakes in our past, the guilt over past mistakes can become paralyzing if it 'CONSUMES' us. Regrets can either burden our life OR motivate us to move forward. Unfortunately, we CAN'T just UNDO or REDO what has been done OR not done. We can, however, take steps to get over the guilt and move past regrets. So, culling from our past experiences, let's find pronto our FIX. Primero, it is still a MUST that we do a look-up at the rearview mirror because we need to understand our mistake[s]. True, remorse follows but it is important to understand the source of our remorse and acknowledge our rationale for either doing OR not doing, at that point in time๐๐๐After all the remorse for such mistakes in our past, let's face it, we need time to GRIEVE if it is not too late to alter the feeling of REGRET by taking some kind of action like reconciling with that other party, whether it is your partner/spouse, a family member or a work colleague. And sometimes, we do have that opportunity to apologize if we REGRET how we handled a situation with another person. Then, if there is something you can do now, DO IT❗❗❗Do We OWE It To AWE?
Do We OWE It To AWE?
Not felt or seen on the surface but maybe the science of AWE is worth our talking point today. Do We OWE It To AWE? The majestic falls in Niagara., the splendor of Taj Mahal, the cliff-hanger game-winning shot of Lebron James, the breathtaking view of the Grand Canyon, a child being born, what else will induce our deep feelings of AWE? And as AWE is a complex emotion that can be difficult to precisely define, we have to be aware that feelings of AWE can either be positive OR negative. And Psychologists call AWE as self-transcendent, something wherein it shifts our attention away from ourselves, making us feel as a part of of something greater than ourselves๐๐๐Studies also show that quite instantly, AWE can change our perception of time, and even may make us more generous toward others. Dr Dacher Keltner's research says that AWE does NOT only make us FEEL GOOD but effectively it is also good for our well-being. And a key influence of AWE is that we feel a SENSE OF CONNECTION to something larger than ourselves. And AWE encourages us to be more compassionate even as it makes us healthier๐๐๐What we can cull from studies and researches is that cultivating experiences of AWE is especially important and helpful now as we renew our energy and make plans for a much hopeful future. Experts further claim that beyond physical effects like tingling and goosebumps and a lowered heart rate under stress, AWE also affects us emotionally. Studies have also led to believe that people who experience AWE report higher levels of overall life satisfaction๐๐๐At this point, you might still be puzzled if it seems I'm making a mountain out of a molehill BUT experiences of AWE have been associated with lower levels of reported stress. That AWE can actively help reduce stress even goes well beyond simply stress relief because apparently. by experiencing SOMETHING BIGGER than us helps us transcend our frame of experience by expanding our mental models and stimulating new ways of thinking✅✅✅Friday, October 27, 2023
Finding Our PURPOSE Is Our Common Dilemma
Finding Our PURPOSE Is Our Common Dilemma
Finding Our PURPOSE Is Our Common Dilemma whether you're fresh out of college OR in your 30s OR just retired. Trying to figure out your new DIRECTION in life can be Xtremely tough and that's a tall order. This is also relevant if you are living a life you're NOT satisfied with and hope to change your life's DIRECTION. So let us NOT dilly-dally and beat around the bush because we got to figure this out PRONTO because time is fast slipping past us and sometimes what we seem to hear is a ticking time bomb about to explode anytime soon๐๐๐
Primus inter pares, first among equals, you got to DRAW THE LINE [asap please] between THINKING and OVERTHINKING. Unfortunately, there is no hard baseline you should NOT breach because things become circumstantial and situational. Studies also show that 73% of 25 to 35 year olds and 52% of people between 45 to 55 years do chronically OVERTHINK๐๐๐While taking time to think about big life decisions is important, OVERTHINKING leads to paralysis, deferred DECISIONS and even SELF-DOUBT and in the end, INACTION. With every obstacle that comes up, let us ask ourselves: IS THIS A GENUINE CONCERN OR AM I USING THIS AS AN EXCUSE NOT TO FOLLOW MY PASSION BECAUSE I'M SCARED❓❓❓Once you have hurdled THINKING versus OVERTHINKING, do TAKE ACTION. Finding the right DIRECTION in life is NOT something that happens to us everyday. Instead, it is something to create. This means that some point, we have to STOP THINKING about taking action and simply START ACTING. One of the reasons we DON'T act is FEAR. We're scared of messing up, scared of things NOT working out✅✅✅
Thursday, October 26, 2023
What If OPINIONS DIFFER? But hey, that's the stark and naked TRUTH. OPINIONS will always differ because per se, they are OPINIONS. Whether you are at home OR at your workplace OR at your business operations site, OPINIONS will move across all directions, of which are a combination of solicited and unsolicited OPINIONS. In short, differing OPINIONS will be here to stay with us✅✅✅The worst situation to be in is if one or more of the 'players' in a particular setup would expect him/herself to have a monopoly of what is RIGHT or WRONG when OPINIONS will matter. No sirrrrrs. So WHY are different OPINIONS important? From a workplace perspective, studies show that different OPINIONS reduced risks by 30% while improving innovation by 20%๐๐๐On the other hand, NOT all OPINIONS are OPINIONS. Some of them are FACTS BUT articulated AS IF it is an OPINION of the speaker. And that scenario is common for us to witness clashes when someone articulates his 'OPINION' vociferously when in TRUTH, what he is spewing out is NO less than a FACT and TRUTH at that๐๐๐So, how do we avert such unnecessary conflicts arising from discussions? SIMPLE. If what you're stating is a FACT, say so, state so. It will be an act of BAD FAITH if you keep articulating AS IF it was your own OPINION [when in truth, you were lifting your statements either from policy statements, documents or factual information]. Let us swing into our private lives at home. You can be the family breadwinner BUT you DON'T have the monopoly of the correct OPINIONs. In the confines of your homes, a healthy discourse with your partner/spouse is the least you need๐๐๐When all things are said and done, more often, we CANNOT tag a YES or a NO to each OPINION because in almost all cases, nothing is enough for a conclusive end to tag a specific OPINION as either RIGHT or WRONG because sometimes almost all OPINIONS are partly correct. So what's our FIX? Get the best of both worlds. Find the 'MIDDLE GROUND' because more often than NOT, we got to 'marry' various OPINIONS together❗❗❗Straight from my thought processes...
Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs!
Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs! True, the world we live in is made up of opposites. LIke hot-cold, sweet-sour, males-females, and the list ...

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