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Monday, October 2, 2023

Looks Can Be Deceiving

Looks Can Be Deceiving

Looks Can Be Deceiving but this is NOT a new realization because this thing is as old as I am.  However, I came across this from Quora.com wherein there's this 'grumpy' old WWII veteran surnamed Mr Buck who went on a daily basis at LUBY's, a cafeteria style restaurant in Texas.  For seven straight years, Mr Buck religiously went to LUBY's and ordered his meals and earlier on, various restaurant workers tried to serve him on rotation❗❗❗
BUT he was such one of the toughest customer such that all the restaurant workers at LUBY's would prefer to attend to other chores rather than serve him.  EXCEPT for one named Melina Salazar who, for seven straight years, dutifully served him despite all his fault-finding, his grumpiness and his high demands and expectations from whatever he ordered.  Like his sandwhich, it should be hot straight from the microwave.  Like the steaks, it has to be sizzling right in front of him✅✅✅
Across all seasons for seven years, Salazar never missed out serving Mr Buck not just with the decorum and body language expected by Mr Buck but with his very high standards of expectations in his ordered meals.  All of the colleagues of Salazar were surprised with Salazar's stretched patience in serving Mr Buck BUT none of them envied Salazar.  They thought serving Mr Buck will likely spoil their day at work until one day after seven years, Mr Buck did NOT show up at LUBY's anymore. And that worried Salazar.  Come next day, still, Mr Buck DIDN'T show up.  On the third day, Salazar decided to buy a local newspaper and went straight to the Obituary.  And right away, he saw Mr Buck's obituary information, having died three days ago.  Her heart really sunk deep📌📌📌
A week later, Salazar received am unexpected call from a lawyer who introduced himself as Mr Buck's lawyer tasked to contact her in view of Mr Buck's WILL.  So when they met, the lawyer explained that Mr Buck willed that his favorite car + $50k will be given to Ms Salazar.  After she recovered from this shocking surprise, she accepted it, realizing that the old WWII veteran Mr Buck indeed appreciated and even reciprocated her for all her services to him.  So would you agree LOOKS CAN BE DECEIVING❓❓❓
So indeed, LOOKS CAN BE DECEIVING.  One day that time I was working @Shell Oil, when I stood up from my office desk cubicle, my colleague across happened to stand up as well and he asked me, WHY ARE YOU ANGRY?  And I didn't waste time, I rushed to the Men's Room and realized that by default, I seem to be frowning but that DIDN'T change me or my persona.  Till to date, I always agree that indeed LOOKS CAN BE DECEIVING💊💊💊

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