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Saturday, October 21, 2023

BUILDING Knowledge + BUILDING Relationships

BUILDING Knowledge + BUILDING Relationships

Heard of Warren Buffett?  He is a 93 yr old American business magnate with his latest NET WORTH pegged at USD 120 Bn., whew but we won't meddle to deep-dive into his financial arsenal but instead piggy-back when he was quoted recently "I JUST SIT IN MY OFFICE AND READ ALL DAY'  but what was left unsaid is that what catapulted him to his financial chest is his dogged pursuit for BUILDING Knowledge + BUILDING Relationships throughout his lifetime๐Ÿ“˜๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“—

Without replicating OR cloning Warren Buffett [because that's next to impossible], what the close coterie of Warren Buffett all say in unison is that this ultra successful business magnate simply 'ATTACHED HIMSELF TO EVERYONE WHO COULD HELP HIM AND COATTAILED ANYONE HE COULD FIND AS SMART'.  In two words, Buffet shares his secret to his SUCCESS in two words๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

So the real OPEN SECRET to Buffet's SUCCESS has been KNOWLEDGE and RELATIONSHIPS.  Knowing WHOM to call and WHAT to ask.  Knowing WHOM he could help and WHO can help him led him to gain insights in his dogged pursuit for KNOWLEDGE.   And the most admirable trait here is that he NEVER waivered in his pursuit for KNOWLEDGE in his lifetime✅✅✅

There was this short study of two groups assigned with the topic "WHAT IS GLUTEN?'  One group was given internet access while the other group was NOT.  The end-result was shocking.  That 'GOOGLE GROUP' overrated their understanding and this was explained by experts that searching the internet for explanatory knowledge creates an illusion whereby people mistake ACCESS TO INFORMATION as KNOWLEDGE, what❓❓❓

And that's WHEN and WHERE relationship building comes in.  Having Buffett as our role model here, let us endeavor to 'ATTACH' ourselves to people WHO can help us which is as important to people WHO we can help.  So folks, nothing fancy here.  BUILDING KNOWLEDGE + RELATIONSHIP BUILDING are the cornerstones we need to put in place in life❗❗❗

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