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Sunday, October 8, 2023

Money Talks !@#$%?

Money Talks !@#$%?

Who claims that MONEY is our friend?  Everyone does, and that includes moi.  But I believe there is no place to argue that Money Talks !@#$%? But that's not our talking point though.  Instead, we'd like to whet our appetite when Money Talks.  And when does Money Talk?  As soon as Money becomes part of the equation, you can count on your fingers the probability and extent of the ramifications when Money Talks.  Couples break up. Families feud.  Corporate boardroom wars become the 'talk of the town'.  Relationships not only get strained but they end up sometimes with very depressing and sometimes sordid tales that used to be read just in fictional books.  Scenarios peppered with Money Talks scenarios would show both the flip sides of our life๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

The positive side of things, I guess there is no need to share because positive stories are always splashed all over social media in fact.  But the sad flip side of life which were consequences when Money Talks,  it's sad to share some of those narratives๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š

Heard of that popular FAMILY FEUD TV program?  Not referring to that program, what we mean here is that in numerous narratives, when Money Talks, not far behind you will see a smoke billowing out from the chimney which may likely mean that at that point in time, Money Talks because when Money Talks, frictions are a common thing to happen next๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

Now, while Money Talks has led to widening gaps leading to 'burned bridges', I have personally witnessed scenarios where parties who were previously NOT on 'talking terms' suddenly reconnected and started talking when $$$$$$ funds surfaced for them to divide and share amongst themselves.  But the saddest part of things when Money Talks is when even people whose current state in life is bad 'at best' suddenly have the gumption to take unprecedented strides which they are NOT capable of.  No thanks when Money Talks✅✅✅

Much as we admit that our need for money is basic enough, there are outlier stories where and when people CHANGED OVERNIGHT, all because Money Talks.  Attitudes flip.  Character changes.  Even values and ethics end up turned upside down.  Relationship end up NOT just strained BUT ruined.  What's our FIX?  Easier said than done but it pays ensure that when Money Talks, we got to endeavor that both our feet remain firmly on the ground because when we get detached with the realities in life, we could end up off-tracked and what happens next is anybody's guess.  Lastly, when Money Talks, we earnestly hope that relationships do get negatively impacted at all❗❗❗

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