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Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Treading on Eggshells?

Treading on Eggshells?

Theoretically, this is hogwash.  No such thing as us Treading on Eggshells but in real life, YES we do and we are Treading on Eggshells.  What this exactly refers to are circumstances or situations where you need to literally TREAD so cautiously, so carefully, so lightly so as NOT to 'ruffle feathers', hurt some 'sensitive nerves' or strain a relationship that is teetering and on the brink of weakening or even totally breaking up❗❗❗

As much as no one calls them 'EGGSHELL relationships', that is what they turn into.  Relationships where you have to tread lightly.  Imagine each day when you wake up, you are figuratively having to walk on EGGSHELLS because your partner/spouse behaves or acts all too frequently with a 'constellation of traits' that seem toxic as a whole❎❎❎

And when someone seems to be so TOXIC that you have to be ever careful around them, lest they lash out at you, that is a situation that needs to be reassessed because those bellwether signs all point to emotional instability.  And when we bear witness to these situations, it does give us an insight as regards those suffering with such behaviors.  True, one word or one behavior does NOT make for a TOXIC personality.  BUT what if such exceptions recur over time❓❓❓

BITTER, CLINGY, CONTROLLING, DENIGRATING, HYSTERICAL, IRRITABLE, MASOCHISTIC, NASTY, RESENTFUL, SUFFOCATING, TORNADO, UNFORGIVING, VIOLENT.  We can go on and on but these behavioral symptoms hardly scratch the surface.  Yet if you are going through any of these, indeed you're TREADING ON EGGSHELLSπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

While all of the above behaviors is NOT a part of a 'DIAGNOSTIC TOOL', if someone is manifesting a combination of this sampling of traits, very very likely we are looking at someone who is emotionally unstable and THEY NEED HELP.  And this when and where we can pull a 'positive spin', counsel and talk to that person we're concerned, enlightening him/her that a turnaround in his/her behavior would mutually do wonders and avoid a situation to spin from bad to worse.  We just DON'T want you to be TREADNG ON EGGSHELLSπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

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