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Saturday, October 7, 2023

Understand How The UNDERBELLY Works

Understand How The UNDERBELLY Works

How often have we seen these days when corporate executives are enjoying the comforts of their swivel chair while they signoff this and that document?  Yes it is still happening but comparatively, that has drastically gone down by approximately 90%.  WHY?  Because these days, we need to Understand How The UNDERBELLY Works๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ
Whether you're still in the academe or now at the work place or even in your commercial forays, we would hear people who describe themselves as DETAIL-ORIENTED all the time.  We also hear employers who say they need DETAIL-ORIENTED people in their teams.  And sometimes, we ourselves would indicate in our resume that we are DETAIL-ORIENTED.  So, while it's good to include that as part of your 'ARSENAL of SKILLS', what exactly does it mean?  Moreover, should we actually describe ourselves as DETAIL-ORIENTED [even if it's NOT the case]❓❓❓
Now, let's ask ourselves, what is the most common error we come across in documents amongst others?  Isn't it most of those recurring errors are those TYPO ERRORs and MISSPELLINGS?  Now, while one TYPO ERROR here and a spelling error there do NOT define you, trust me, it can be the KEY DIFFERENTIATOR between your resume heading into the queue OR the bin.  So, what is a DETAIL-ORIENTED person?  He/she is one who exercises extreme and consistent attention to DETAIL.  And they are thorough, accurate, organized and consistently focused๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š
DETAIL-ORIENTED people focus on the details and eXert eXtra attention down to the little things.  Many donkey years ago, one could be a manager managing things from a macro level.  Today, as we speak, if you are a stubborn manager who will insist to manage things from a macro level, you can be led to the door come next day, that's NOT a threat❗❗❗
In the simplest terms, let's translate how to UNDERSTAND HOW THE UNDERBELLY WORKS, how to be DETAIL-ORIENTED.  Numero UNO, REMEMBER the little things.  Numero DOS, REVIEW & PROOFREAD what you did before submitting.  Numero TRES, when it comes to grammar, those combing your documents or resume are grammar geeks, so sharp when either 'THERE, THEIR or THEY'RE'.  Please do UNDERSTAND HOW THE UNDERBELLY WORKS✅✅✅

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