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Sunday, October 8, 2023

That Realm Of Possibility

That Realm Of Possibility

Heard of people stuck up?  Stalled? In limbo?  Neither here nor there?  With time fast fleeting while everything that is status quo prevails in one's state?  But  are we NOT supposed to be intrinsically aware of That Realm Of Possibility in life?  But thinking about it, it should NOT surprise us why some of us DON'T get looped at all in That Realm Of Possibility in life✅✅✅

Let's take a full pizza pie as an analogy.  Take a thin slice of that pie and have it as representing for everything you know, e.g. you know how to drive, how to bike, etc.  Then take another slice of pizza to represent everything you DON'T know, e.g. I DON'T know how to speak Mandarin, I DON'T know rocket science, etc❌❌❌

The rest of the pie?  Consider it to represent everything YOU DON'T KNOW THAT YOU DON'T KNOW.  Do consider that vast realm of possibility of what we DON'T know that we DON'T know as the realm of 'Divine Intelligence' where our potential resides❗❗❗
This what we need to remember when we do get stuck in our life.  Remember that something radically new and indeed magnificent is available to us but it's something we DON'T know yet.  And it does exists in the infinite and limitless realm of the 'Divine'.  And that is the place we may be 'invited' to open to as we do the visioning process.  And this is where I'm tempted to do an apples to apples to apples comparison between VISIONING and VISUALIZATION📌📌📌

While VISUALIZATION refers to selecting from that which is already in the world, it means we can VISUALIZE only that which we already know. Whereas VISIONING is opening to that 'divine inspiration' that allows us to catch something from the REALM of infinite potentiality [other than what we can currently see including those unfolding in our lives.  Which brings me back to my question, why do each of us end up fated with something unique?  The NOT so simple answer lies in the fact that there is a huge gap between VISIONING versus VISUALIZATION, which then influences and shapes up the 'END RESULTS' of each of our lifelong journeys💎💎💎

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