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Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Forgiveness Will LIKELY Lead Us To PEACE

Forgiveness Will LIKELY Lead Us To PEACE

Everyone would love and savor these moments when we can be just strumming the guitar to our own beat because moments like that can be translated into a five-letter word spelled P-E-A-C-E but achieving it is easier written in blogs.  Achieving the real, genuine and lasting PEACE may need us to summon the courage to extend Forgiveness as it will LIKELY Lead Us To PEACEπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Experts have proclaimed, in unison, that FORGIVENESS could be the greatest gift we can give to our own self.  And their studies have proven that FORGIVENESS releases toxic thoughts of anger, resentment, shame, bitterness, grief, guilt, regret and hate.  WHEN someone wrongs us somehow, we might feel certain that we'll NEVER be able to get over itπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

I can share this openly.  In the past, even my immediate anger simmers down, I tend to continue dwelling on that difficult moment instead of letting it fade into memory.  That act of FORGIVING, on the other hand, can be such a powerful tool to our well-being.  When we FORGIVE someone, we choose to GIVE UP our NEGATIVE feelings regardless if that person deserves it or not✅✅✅

Further studies show that FORGIVENESS is associated with improved physical and mental health BUT let's admit it, it's NEVER easy because only our innate capacity for FORGIVENESS offers hope that it is indeed possible.  And indeed it is incredible to hear people FORGIVE.  To quote the experts, FORGIVENESS is our medicine for our body, mind and spirit [and it does NOT require any doctor's prescription]πŸ“—πŸ“˜πŸ“™

So, WHY should we really FORGIVE?  Not to scare but evidence [from studies] is mounting that holding onto painful memories and bitterness will VERY LIKELY result in long-term health problems.  Run a random check across all cultures, those folks in their 80s and 90s as regards their recipe for a longer life, they will sum it all in that five-letter P-E-A-C-E as forgiveness will LIKELY Lead Us To PEACEπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

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