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Wednesday, October 11, 2023



No sirrrrrs, this poster is NOT mine.  I grabbed this unmarked poster because it did lead me to ask myself as to What Has The 'SHORTEST SHELF LIFE'?  Oh Oh, we all know that fresh produce has the shortest shelf life but on the other hand, you might know that there are methods to extend the FRESHNESS of such fresh produce, thus extending their SHELF LIFE.  But our thread today is figuring out what has the shortest SHELF LIFE in our life [and that excludes the fresh produce]⏳⏳⏳

It is a given that our physical appearance affects our personality.  That debate as to whether a person's personality was more influenced by their genetics or their environment has raged for years.  Now, the question arises as to how much people's nature influences.  The most promising source for understanding how people's natural or existing traits can affect the responses lies in the examination of the traits with which people are born, most notably, the physical appearance💎💎💎

Much the same way people's PERSONALITY affects how others treat those people, so too does appearance.  In some sense, certain elements of appearance [and that includes hygiene and selection of clothes] are also functions of PERSONALITY but for the most part, physical appearance, as something one inherits genetically, is independent of PERSONALITY📌📌📌

Now, what's imperative for us to be more aware that our physical appearance has a very limited SHELF LIFE, if NOT the shortest one.   But having said this, it just makes sense that our awareness of the very limited SHELF LIFE of our physical appearance should be sufficient to let us consider giving more impetus to our non-physical aspects in life✅✅✅

If we can be 'BEST UNTIL' only up to a certain date, this should give us that urgency to give more impetus to our roles and responsibilities in life, to be filial in our relationships with our loved ones including our families and relatives and to 'WALK THE TALK' in our pursuits, be it at our workplace or even in our commercial forays.  That physical aspect, can we relegate that to the backdrop please❓❓❓

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