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Thursday, October 26, 2023

When Is Midlife Crisis?

When Is Midlife Crisis?

When Is Midlife Crisis?  Is this a silly question?  No sirrrrrs.  WHY?  Because for some, 50s is the MIDLIFE.  For many others, midlife defaults to 40s.  But of late, many are claiming that midlife kicks in @ 30s ?  Oh oh oh.  Do you have a conjecture why some are claiming 30s as the MIDLIFE ?  Probably, it's because crisis after crisis is hitting those who get into the 30s cycle, just maybe

But of late, I realized that it could surprise us BUT it shouldn't shock us to hear MIDLIFE CRISIS @ 30s.  With many woes we hear from the 30s generation.  ANXIETY. BOREDOM. DEPRESSION.  And even SLEEPING issues that exacerbate from struggling to sleep to waking up in the wee hours OR [frequently we hear this], sleeping less than six hours a night.  Now, we have a ballgame for our thread today❌❌❌

Worst of things when we get hit with increased feelings of nostalgia, ruminating over past experiences and spending $$$$$ EXCESSIVELY or just utterly irresponsibly.  Studies show that that INNER TURMOIL about reaching MIDLIFE could begin with a specific TRIGGER IN LIFE OR simply stemming from feelings of dissatisfaction OR disconnect with reality❎❎❎

Often, our midlife crisis kicks in after stages of grief, usually beginning with some feelings of DENIAL followed by ANGER.  The crisis phase may next include constant ruminations about WHAT COULD BE and replaying the past or impulsive and reckless behaviors, the stress of which may result in feelings of DEPRESSION or WITHDRAWAL.  The biggest question is HOW LONG will that midlife crisis linger in our life❓❓❓

So how long will our midlife crisis last?  Good grief.  The amount of time a person experiences the symptoms of a midlife crisis heavily hinges on the FREQUENCY of FEELINGS and HOW they chose to resolve them.  In brief, there is NO fixed timeline, NO prescribed dosage, NO guaranteed formula.  Everything is in our hands.  Up to us when we want ourselves to be over the hump with that MIDLIFE CRISIS❗❗❗

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