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Saturday, October 7, 2023

Crabs Dragging You Back

Crabs Dragging You Back 

Good day folks.  Our thread today is neither about gourmet nor culinary arts.  Moreover, I am not that of a fan when it comes to seafoods but for today, I'm tempted that we spend a bit of time about Crabs Dragging You Back [in life] because this is a stark reality happening in our life and I strongly believe it will be an outlier of a story if someone proclaims that Crabs Dragging You Back has never happened [YET] in his/her life @#$$%
So, WHEN and WHERE are Crabs Dragging Youis  Back?  It could just happen ANYWHERE ANYTIME.  Be it in school, at the workplace, in business and even in our personal relationships with our family, relatives, friends.  So WHY do 
Crabs Dragging You Back  really happen? For various reasons, e.g. sheer SELFISHNESS, embedded ANTAGONISM, unresolved CONFLICTS and natural COMPETITION [whether in school, at the workplace or out there in the market].  Across personal relationships, in most cases, it is the consequence arising from unresolved conflicts.  Lesson here is, where possible, resolve conflicts, else it can drag you down [till CRABS DRAG YOU]  ⏳⏳⏳
In a nutshell, it is something that is totally within our control [in fact, most of the time, it is way out of our control] Crabs Dragging You Back but tjere are steps to take that leads towards mitigating such risks.  You wanna ignore it?  Please DON'T unless you wanna PLAY WITH FIRE? BUT if you do, if you thought it will quell the fire, the fire will, in fact, just worsenπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š
So, what's our proactive fix to probably 'nip in the bud' Crabs Dragging You Back?  First of, have your AWARENESS be as sharp as ever.  Just DON'T look the other way around when things happen.  Secondly, let us not be TOO cocky, TOO confident, TOO complacent because those manifestations can claim, for its record, tons and tons of casualties and victims.  Part of our human fault is to be provocative and that's the worst misstep to happen because it courts trouble and worst, it incites negativities that even veer towards Crabs Dragging You BackπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
Yessirrrrrs, we hate to ever copy this regrettable one-liner  "I DIDN'T LOSE A FRIEND, I JUST REALIZED I NEVER HAD ONE" because I can attest to these exceptions whose ROOT CAUSE[s] were traceable to Crabs Dragging You Back.  In brief, this is a situation where we can do our part to mitigate it or at the very least, soften its impact to us❗❗❗

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