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Thursday, October 12, 2023

What Separates DOERs From DREAMERs

What Separates DOERs From DREAMERs

While Steve Jobs has long left behind everything in life, Apple's co-founder continues to make a lasting impact which may probably last for many generations to come.  And in his trailblazing successes in life, he did identify one very 'UNCOMMON' habit found in most successful people and that's really What Separates DOERs From DREAMERsπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

To quote Steve Jobs, 'MOST PEOPLE NEVER PICK UP THE PHONE AND CALL.  MOST PEOPLE NEVER ASK AND THAT IS WHAT SEPARATES THE PEOPLE WHO DO THINGS FROM THE PEOPLE WHO JUST DREAM ABOUT THEM'.  Remarkably, Jobs did share that at age of 12, he mustered that unusual courage to call up none other than BILL HEWLETT, the co-founder of Hewlett Packard.  And his ask was, 'I WANT TO BUILD A FREQUENCY COUNTER AND I WAS WONDERING IF YOU HAVE ANY SPARE PARTS I COULD HAVEπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Amused at that unutual 'boldness' of a 12-year old lad, HEWLETT laughed and gave Jobs the spare parts.  How did Steve Jobs react?  He said 'I WAS IN HEAVEN'.  So, that single phone call impacted Job's life and taught him one of the greatest lessons in his brilliant career which is, 'BE WILLING TO ASK FOR SOMETHING YOU WANT'.  In so many businesses today, though, FEAR keeps people from being open to ask for what they want❗❗❗
There is that startling research study published by HBR [Harvard Business Review] that 75 to 90 percent of all the help people at work give to one another starts with making an ASK.  The sad part is that many of us [and that includes my poor moi many years ago] refrain from asking for what we need.  But to a fault, let us be aware that when working in a corporate environment, NOT ASKING may prevail because its executive and managers do NOT encourage it [but again, the fault starts from us, NOT from our managers at work]πŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š
Consequently, what this means is that NOTHING ENDS UP HAPPENING [most of the time].  The question is, does the environment we are IN foster that 'freedom' for employees to do the ASK?  Let's think about it, to ASK is not too much to ASK for, right?  But ASKING or NOT ASKING may lead you to become either the DOER or simply the perennial DREAMER❎❎

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